
R002: All Things Sunshiney - Julie Jones

May 17, 2017 Tracy Winchell / Julie Jones

ROO2: All Things Sunshiney - Julie Amber Jones

May 18, 2017

Julie’s art studio and blog are named “All Things Sunshiney,” a name that came to her during some of her darkest days. Julie shares the back-story behind the name of this part of her business portfolio, she speaks openly about her relationship with what she terms “a vending machine God,” and tells us how she wrestled with the question, “If I’m not his wife, who am I?”Julie also talks about the moment she realized that living with rage and bitterness was not ok, and what she did about it. Oh yeah, today’s guest introduces us to Evan’s Project.

This episode of Reboots is sponsored by:

All Things Sunshiney
All Things Sunshiney Facebook
Julie Amber Photography

Links and Show Notes

Julie’s art studio and blog are named “All Things Sunshiney,” a name that came to her during some of her darkest days. Julie shares the back-story behind the name of this part of her business portfolio, she speaks openly about her relationship with what she terms “a vending machine God,” and tells us how she wrestled with the question, “If I’m not his wife, who am I?”Julie also talks about the moment she realized that living with rage and bitterness was not ok, and what she did about it. Oh yeah, today’s guest introduces us to Evan’s Project.

John 1:3–5
Coming Clean, by Seth Haines
Community Bible Church Fort Smith
Celebrate Recovery
Jeremiah 29:11
Celebrate Recovery step study groups
Romans 8:1–2

Julie’s Recommendations

Boundaries, by Henry Cloud and John Townsend
The Search for Significance, by Robert S. McGee

A note about Celebrate Recovery

Julie and Tracy are both part of the Celebrate Recovery program at Community Bible Church Fort Smith. Neither represents the national organization. Both work their steps on a daily basis and both serve as volunteers locally.

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We hope you’re enjoying Reboots. We are excited about the quality of the episodes coming this summer. If you’d like to help defray the cost of the audio equipment necessary to bring quality sound, please consider supporting us on our Patreon site. Thank you!