The Muffin Junkee Serves Tunes with your Tea

Muffin Junkee 17-The Electric Mess

Esther Crow,Derek Davidson,Oweinama Biu,Dan Crow,Craig Rogers,"Announced by Thee Raving Looney Jay Daniels
>New York City Garage Rock Greats ...The Electric Mess give the Muffin Junkee exclusive interviews about their Music including their brand new fantastic album,House on Fire! >If you dig bands from the Nuggets and Back to the Grave Series and bands like the Sonics,The 13th Floor Elevators,The Pretty Things then your going to dig the music of The Electric Mess ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> You will of course also be treated to some of their garage rock gems from all of their masterpiece albums!(The Electric Mess,Falling Off The Face of the Earth and their brand new album House On Fire) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Special thanks to Electric Mess (Esther Crow,Derek Davidson,Oweinama Biu,Dan Crow and Craig Rogers!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Thanks to Derek Davidson for making this Podcast possible and arranging the interviews _____________________________________________________> Thanks to The Electric Mess and Soundflat and Groovy Records for granting The Raving Looney Jay Daniels permission to play tracks from all of their albums -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Podcast Set List : She's Got Something to Say,You Make Me Raw,Don't Want to Be Your Man,Trash Talkin Woman,Tell Me Why,Falling Off the Face of the Earth,Runaway Daughter,You Never Come Around Anymore,Lemonade Man and She Got Fangs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> All sound effects on this podcast and indeed all Muffin Junkee Podcasts are either created by The Raving Looney Jay Daniels with assistance at times from the Bands who are interviewed or are made with Public Domain Sound Effects from Public Domain Sound Effect Sites ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Muffin Junkee Theme created by Paul Worsley