The Muffin Junkee Serves Tunes with your Tea

The Muffin Junkee Happy Trippy Christmas Podcast Part Two

The Striped Bananas ,Eshniner Forest , Sendelica ,Al Hotchkiss ,Al Hotchkiss & The Evil Ones , Los Tentakillls , The High Alerts ,Stellar Art Wars , The Halfways ,Joshua Augustus Lobley ,Roger McGuinn ,Jim Guittard , Announced by Jay Daniels
The Second Part of the Muffin Junkee Happy Trippy Christmas Podcast ! Featuring lots more of todays grooviest psych bands ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pod cast 2 Set List : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christmas 1914 - The Striped Bananas ,Dark Peace -The Striped Bananas, Saint Senara -The Striped Bananas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eshniner Christmas Message -Eshniner Forest , Who We Are - Eshniner Forest , Pretty Thing- Phase Two -Eshniner Forest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ Muffin Junkee Trippy Christmas Greeting -Sendelica , The Pillar of Delhi -Sendelica ,Searohwit -Sendelica ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Krampus Time (Baby Come Home )-Al Hotchkiss . Grim Fandango -Al Hotchkiss & The Evil Ones ,Cut Off My Hands - Los Tentakills ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best Christmas Yet - Stellar Art Wars , Just a Ride -Stellar Art Wars ,Deja Vu -Stellar Art Wars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christmas Message - The Halfways ,The Carousel -The Halfways ,Sea of Intranquility -The HalfWays ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xmas Talk - Joshua Augustus Lobley , Goat Stump - Joshua Augustus Lobley , Best Thing -Joshua Augustus Lobley ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Tracks : The High Alerts -Twisted in the End (The Primevals with Los Tentakills - Al Hotchkiss and Celina Ozzymandias -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 days of Christmas -Roger McGuinn (Public Domain ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Santa on the Moon - Eschniner Forest --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special thanks to :Duncan,Chantelle and Andrew ,Rubber Plant Records ,The Striped Bananas , Ryan Bousquet ,Eshniner Forest ,Pete and everyone in Sendelica ,Fruit De Mer Records , Al Hotchkiss ,The Evil Ones ,Los Tentakills ,Celina Ozzymandias ,Grant Canyon , Andy ,Twiggy ,Stellar Art Wars , Daniel ,Justin .Alejandro,The Halfways ,Joshua Lobley ,Roger McGuinn ,Jamendo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ Thanks to : Jim Guittard for the hilarious Weather Report -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you Doug Perkins ,Myrtle Perkins and Mr Bert Sounder and Stephanie --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all you Loyal Muffin Junkee Podcast Listeners ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Look for lots of brand new podcasts In late Jan early to Mid Feb 2015 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the best to all the bands (and their loved ones and near and dear) who took part in this two part Podcast -Part 1 and Part 2 .Seasons Greetings to all of you !