The Muffin Junkee Serves Tunes with your Tea

Muffin Junkee special edition :Sendelica's 10th Year Band Anniversary Podcast Part One

Sendelica , Pete Bingham ,Glenda Pescado , Lee Relfe , Lord Armstrong Sealand , Meurig Griffiths , Colin Constadine , "Announced by "Jay Daniels
Details : Part 1 of this special 2 Part Podcast celebrating Sendelica's 10 years together as a Band ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Pete Bingham ,Founder and Guitarist , from Welsh Instrumental spacerock rock great's...Sendelica... joins Muffin Junkee Podhost ...Jay Daniels for a series of interviews touching upon key musical points in Sendelica's 10 years together as a band ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> You willl also hear lots of Music from various key Sendelica Albums from their 10 years of music ! ( including some rare versions ! ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> and an added bonus for all you fans of the 60's Sci Fi TV Series ..The Prisoner ..Pete and Jay will chat for a bit about The Village ( Portmeirion ,Wales ) as well ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Sendelica 10th Anniversary Podcast Part 1 : Set List 1.Mr Floyd Walker (rare version from The Owl's Have Eye's EP ! ) 2. 12 Shades of Bark 3. The Return of Maggot Brain's 4.Indrid Cold 5. Banshees and Fetches ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 6 .special spoken / musical audio with Pete Bingham , Glenda Pescado and Colin Constadine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Special thanks to : Pete Bingham for the great interviews and to Glenda Pescado and Colin Constandine and also to the rest of Sendelica ...Lee Relfe , Meurig Griffiths and Lord Armstrong Sealand ! Thanks to each and every one you in Sendelica for making and continuing to make amazing music over your ten years together ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Also many thanks to FRG , R.A.I.G .,VE and Tidylike Records ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Muffin Theme by Paul Worsley of Conway Hambone