The Spiritual Artist Podcast

Writer and Wordsmith Wilene Dunn Demonstrates the Power Behind Words

August 23, 2020 Christopher J. Miller Episode 9
Writer and Wordsmith Wilene Dunn Demonstrates the Power Behind Words
The Spiritual Artist Podcast
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The Spiritual Artist Podcast
Writer and Wordsmith Wilene Dunn Demonstrates the Power Behind Words
Aug 23, 2020 Episode 9
Christopher J. Miller

Author and Business Entrepreneur Wilene Dunn details the importance of our everyday language. Are our words moving us toward our goals or further way? Host Christopher Miller interviews Wilene about the importance of word choice when speaking and manifesting.

Conversation includes highlights from Florence Scovel Shinn’s books “The Game of Life and How to Play it” and “Your Word is Your Wand.” According to Wilene, Shinn emphasizes that words should reveal a “flash of the fulfillment of the demand.”

Understanding what you want is key to your word selection. Wilene explains how each word has a specific energy and visual power. She demonstrates our ability to stand in peace during something as strenuous and stressful as the COVID-19 epidemic by our conscious choice of words.

Wilene Dunn is an entrepreneur, innovator and author focused on building creative businesses that foster and strengthen individuals through networking, coaching and program development. For more information on Wilene, visit and

Show Notes Transcript

Author and Business Entrepreneur Wilene Dunn details the importance of our everyday language. Are our words moving us toward our goals or further way? Host Christopher Miller interviews Wilene about the importance of word choice when speaking and manifesting.

Conversation includes highlights from Florence Scovel Shinn’s books “The Game of Life and How to Play it” and “Your Word is Your Wand.” According to Wilene, Shinn emphasizes that words should reveal a “flash of the fulfillment of the demand.”

Understanding what you want is key to your word selection. Wilene explains how each word has a specific energy and visual power. She demonstrates our ability to stand in peace during something as strenuous and stressful as the COVID-19 epidemic by our conscious choice of words.

Wilene Dunn is an entrepreneur, innovator and author focused on building creative businesses that foster and strengthen individuals through networking, coaching and program development. For more information on Wilene, visit and

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the spiritual artists podcast. This is Chris Miller. I invite you to join me. As I interview artists from a variety of disciplines, we'll share powerful stories and lessons learned while making their art. Good morning. This is Chris Miller and I'm with the spiritual artist podcast today. I'm in conversation with Willene Dunn. She is an entrepreneur and author, and she owns several creative businesses. Um, but when I asked her what she does for a living, I thought this was quite interesting. She said,

Speaker 2:

You said she lives to create anything, right.

Speaker 1:

Everything. And I love that. So good morning, baleen. Hi Chris. How are you today?

Speaker 2:

I'm great. I'm glad to be here. We have such great conversations. And so

Speaker 1:

I'm glad to have you here to, um, tell people a little bit, I, I, uh, about you, you, you are a writer and you've written several books. And so I was hoping you would share that with these, with the listeners.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So either it's inspiration, it's very similar to you as an artist, how you create from inspiration. And my first book was a children's book called butterflies and flower pedals written for my niece. I just was inspired at 3:00 AM, got up and wrote it. And five years later for her fifth birthday, I gave it to her. Um, and then the boys book followed and really, it is about words. It's, um, it's called raindrops and lightening bugs, and it's all about asking for what you want.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay. So I love that in the first part you talked about being inspired at three o'clock in the morning.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I just woke up with it

Speaker 1:

And then you went out and just wrote it out.

Speaker 2:

Well, first of all, my mind to go over, right? Like it does because it says, Oh, you'll never remember it stay in bed. What are you doing? You got up anyway. And I went and I remembered every word and I wrote it down. That's a divine inspiration.

Speaker 1:

Wow. Well, I love that about the creative process, because that happens to me as well. In fact, this morning when I woke up, I had to write something down first thing, because usually for me, it's that dawning hours, you know, right before I like six o'clock in the morning, suddenly something will come into my head. Um, and so one of the reasons I and listeners, one of the reasons I invited willing on this conversation is she's brought this up is, is willing, is a great checkpoint for me. Um, when I call her up and I might be venting about something in my life, she kind of pulls me back in line real quick. And she pulls me back in line because of the words that I'm using. And, and, and so what I wanted to talk about with this episode is the importance of the words, importance of words that we pick. So Elaine, you were saying that the second book is a little bit more about that. Can you explain that?

Speaker 2:

So both of my children's books are all about what they want, what you want, and they're little prayer books, basically of asking God for what it is you want. So into the universe, we speak words like, you know, and as children is, of course, you know, they're simple, they're bubbles and puppies and flowers and right. And so those words that create, and we put them into the creative process and then basically we received them. They come to us, you know, if we're aware they come to us.

Speaker 1:

So what we speak, we manifest.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. So your word is your wand. Um, I recently, I love Florence Scovel Shinn because her books, the game of life and how to play in it, and she has another one called your word is your wand. And I love this idea that she says never, um, never force a pitcher choose words, which bring a flash of fulfillment.

Speaker 1:

Hmm that's that's that's interesting. So, uh, we're talking, when you speak of words in this case, we're talking about, um, creation, creating the act of creating.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, I, I started funny cause back to what we were talking about originally, I asked you what you do for a living, and then you said, what do you, what, what, um, what you do for living as opposed to money? Yes. It's two different things. Is that right?

Speaker 2:

Yes. What I do for money, what I do for a living are two different things.

Speaker 1:

So living is more about just the creative process.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So that's a choice of words, right? So we say, what do you do for a living? What does that bring up for you? When I ask you what you do for a living versus what you do for money. So what brings you a liveliness? So when I say, what do you do for a living? That means what do you do that makes you alive? Now it can be the same thing you do for money, right? That's where we want to be. We want to be in that place where, what we do for a living is what we do for money. But it doesn't that feel different to you. That's the word smithing. Right?

Speaker 1:

Definitely. I definitely see the difference as you say that, although I've used them interchangeably without consciously realizing what I was saying, but you're right. There is a difference, you know, a do for money sounds obligate Tory. You know, when I do something for money, it sounds like, it sounds like work, doesn't it, but doing it for a living.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And so words have energy. So, um, you asked me to come on and talk about words. And I thought about that were the words we choose have energy. And so in your words, your won by Florence, Scovel, Shinn, she says, imagining faculty is the creative faculty. And it's important to choose your words, which bring a flash of this instillment of the demand. So you never want to force a picture by visualizing, let the divine idea flash into your conscious mind, through choosing your words.

Speaker 1:

Interesting. You know, um, I think a lot of people don't even think about the words they use for the most. And so you're, so you're asking people to kind of slow down a little bit and, and

Speaker 2:

We'll be super conscious about your word. So also in your weddings, your one, she says, if we talked about a magic purse and we said, this magic purse, you is jammed, packed crammed with dollar bills, that gives you a visualization. But what was the visual that, where did the visualization come from? It came from the word you used. So when you think of a it's jam packed, filled with money, well, you can get a great visualization of that. And that creates energy around those words.

Speaker 1:

So, so it's okay to use the word jammed, Jim Peck for money, I guess it's because it's the idea, it's the feeling, it's the feeling that comes with that word.

Speaker 2:

It's the feeling? Well, so if you're using, I mean, even if you use the word fear and it equals fun to you, but most of the time when people say fear it's fearful or scary, it's scary. So it's the meaning we put on those words, right? So a lot of times it is about meaning and visualization. That's kind of, what's so impactful about words because words create a visualization words, create a thought process and meaning, because think about it, even in the dictionary, when we look up words, there's a definition to that word. So choosing our words carefully by which the definition plays out in our mind, if I say poop, poop brings up for us, you know, probably grows. And, but when I say that we're joy, you know, it has a completely different energy.

Speaker 1:

So, so I, I, we joke about this, but I do think that you're an incredible manifester. And so how do you use that to manifest? How do you use your words to manifest?

Speaker 2:

So I, I love kind of relating it really in processed too. If you were going to wash clothes, you'd put the clothes in the washer, you would turn it on, you don't pull the clothes out over and over and over to look and see if they're clean. You just leave them there. So when we speak a word over something and I want something, um, right now, you know, I don't want to BMW. I eight, it's the new hybrid model. Right? It's, it's sexy car like it. So, but if I turn around and say, Hey, Chris, I want to BMW. I eight. And then I say, but it's not practical. What? I just do

Speaker 1:

Undermine that energy. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

So otherwise I can say Chris, I want to BMW. I eight. I can see myself riding down, route 66, going to Canada in my new car. And we get this feeling around it. Well, those are all words, but they have meaning and visualization. I just created a picture for you. And I think that's, what's great. You know, from you as an artist, we, we can create pictures with words, visual pictures.

Speaker 1:

And by creating those pictures, we draw them to us draw those, draw those realities to us.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. So we're creating that is to create a faculty using your words, um, to create that flash of fulfillment. So the ideas that like words have definitions are words that we speak, have a definition of things that we want. So like the, this, the process of putting clothes in the washer, we're sure to get them out clean because there's a process to it. There's an absolutely creative process to use in your words, to create the things that you want. Now here's the thing. So if I say I want something and then I go back to, well, it's impractical. I've just squashed it. It's not going to create there. So I love this story. That it's a personal story for me. I had medical bills,$197,000. Imagine getting that deal and just going, where am I going to come up with$197,000? So we talk a lot about this, um, move, you know, treat, move your feet, like say what it is you want and then get busy. Well, in this instance, there wasn't anything for me to do. Chris. I didn't have$197,000. What was I going to do? But to speak my word. So this is what I said. I said, I want to pay$8,000 collectively for all the bills associated with that injury, that hospital visit, thank you for saving my life. And I put that bill in a drawer and then every time a new bill would come in, interestingly enough, they kept decreasing and I did nothing. I did nothing, but to state my word. So the bill would come and now it, 97,000, where did a hundred thousand of the yo I have no idea, but I wasn't going to question it. So I stated again, when I got that bill, I said, I only want to pay a thousand dollars collectively for all these hospital bills related to this event. Thank you for saving my life. And I put it up by the end. So I've got another one 57, then 36 then in 19,000 and I was waiting for them to make a decision on if I could have any reduction in that bill. So I got a letter and all the other associated like ER, physicians and groups said, we will give you the same amount percentage off as the hospital. So we'll wait for that decision to the hospital said in this great letter and said, we've offered you 55% off of the original amount. You owe us$5,500. Now, wait a second. I don't know if you do math, but 55% off of$197,000. It's not$5,500. So when I got the total bills after this process, it was three months. I never wavered ever in my thinking or feeling or affirmative statement. Every time I thought of the event, every time I received something that from the hospital or from a medical physician, I said the same thing. And I let my words stand. In every instance, by the time it was over, I paid$7,963 and 79 cents for a total of$283,000 in bills. So I paid the 8,000. All I said is I wanted to pay 8,000, you know, for all the bills included. And I got$7,963 and 79 cents was my total amount.

Speaker 1:

So you're, I think I heard that Ron, the first year, first bill, the original bill, was it 290 or 100? Yeah,

Speaker 2:

No, it was 197,000 from the hospital, the all collected bills together with the ER physician bills and all the other bills that said that they would give me the same office, the hospital, that total was 283,000.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay. I just want to make sure that it's correct for the listener. So, so this was for a medical, uh, treatment that you got some situation you had in your life. Um, and I love one of the things I love about your statement is you do still give thanks for what you received. I noticed you saying it.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Just in my mind. You know, when I know about my word am, I'm speaking in as a creator, is that I could have said zero. I want to play zero for these bills. I know that I could have claimed that I pay zero, but I wanted to honor the receiving of treatment. And so almost like a tie at the back to them. I said, I want to pay$8,000. That was my set amount. That was my agreement to them that, you know, they, they deserve to receive because as creators, we can have it any way we want it. And it's, and it was, it was their grace and saving me and was my grace and pain at least$8,000.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So you, I hear what you're saying. So you're saying you could have said anything, but in this case you want to honor the fact that they did assist you. They did provide a wonderful gift and help you. And so you did want to pay them for that. Right. And so you kept that gratitude is part of the word. So it's setting your word, but also, um, almost couching it in a GRA in gratitude, right? Yes. Which is, which is lovely.

Speaker 2:

I need to pay something because truth, truth be told that my word is my one. And I could have said, I only want to pay zero for all these bills, collective, thank you for saving my life. But I wanted to honor almost in a tight back for, for them saving me.

Speaker 1:

I had a, um, CA a counselor coach many years ago. Tell me that when I write a check, I should always say, thank you with it. Because instead of feeling like, Oh, I'm spending money. It's, it's saying, thank you for that service. Uh, and, and we were just talking before we started this conversation, that one of my pets had to go into the vet and I, and I'm having to pay$400. And instead of feeling resentment to just re remember what service did, it's, it's saving my dog from probably an unhealthy, definitely situation. It's not just unhealthy, but it could be detrimental. And so instead of feeling bad about writing the check, I need to kind of say it with gratitude. I, I write this check with gratitude. You know, I make this payment and I'm thankful for what you did. And that does change that relationship. As you, as you say, the energy that follows writing that check is totally different because I've put different words to it. You know?

Speaker 2:

So let's talk about the word thankful. When you say that word, how do you feel? Cause words create a feeling or a meaning. And that's why words are so important too, to know what it is. You're, you're saying I need to pay attention to. So when you say the word thankful, how do you feel?

Speaker 1:

Right. And, you know, I don't think a lot of people, uh, I I've been trying to practice that myself in many ways, but just to sit quietly and close your eyes and sit, try the word out, you know, feel it feel thankful and feel how your body resonates with that. As opposed to poo, as you said, you sit there and close your eyes and say, Pooh, it's a different feeling. And you can almost feel it, you know, right through your body. And I love this because when I first thought about doing this podcast, I always call you and I'll be complaining about something. And I'll be saying, Oh, that, that this is going to kill me. And, and, and Elaine will say, well, it's not going to kill you. What don't use that word, you know? And so I've learned to say something like this,

Speaker 2:

It's going to be frustrating, or this is going to be softly annoying.

Speaker 1:

This will be an extra challenge, but to soften those words, and that's obviously the one level of this, but when we talk about manifesting, we're talking about the second level of that is consciously picking words and creating an affirmation,

Speaker 2:

Your outcome. Well, you create, you're creating your outcome. You can use an affirmation to create, create the outcome, right? So you're stringing a lot of words together that say what it is that you want, like with his medical bills. Um, you know, I said, I only want to pay a thousand dollars collectively for all these bills. Thank you for saving my life. That was a string of words together that gave, um, an affirmative to the outcome I want to create. So it's about coming up with the outcome. So if we're frustrated about something we're in a place, like, what do you want to feel? Where do you want to be? What do you want to see? You know, how does it feel to be a net that I ate BMW? You know, what does that feel like versus, you know, the opposite of that. And so I don't have it. And I'm so frustrated with my current car and it's not working well, what do you want then? What do you want? What do you want?

Speaker 1:

Okay. So as a listener, I'm sitting here listening to this, I'm going, Oh, that's great. That's great. So how would I, how, what is the strategy? If I decide I want something or, or look at my life, how can I practice this every day? How can I make this a spiritual practice?

Speaker 2:

So what I love is, um, truly see your words as your wand, see your words as your magic wand, when you are speaking something, you are creating it. And so, and words come from thought and that's where it starts. So you have this thought and I think, Oh, okay. So I just have this awful circumstance that just happened. So what's a, what's a circumstance. Um, well look at our world right now. So let's just go global with it. So we have this big world that's in a pandemic. Well, there's nothing I can do about that. Well, okay. Maybe there is, you can do something from where you are. So from where you stand, what is it that I what's the outcome I would like to see for the world? So my state, you know, my outcome right here right now is to feel joy in this space. And to know that all things, all things are gonna work out. I know that I've seen it before. There's been depression in our land. There's been recession in our land. It always works out. So I'm going to hold that. So anytime somebody comes to me and says, Oh my God, well, you know this pandemic and have to wear a mask. I'm like, so what is it that you want for me? I'm holding a joy for the world. And I go right back there. So you see the difference in how it feels to stay in an outcome that you want to see.

Speaker 1:

Oh, definitely. And so you would pick certain words to express that, that joy in the world. Would you create a sentence that you say, or how would you take that one step?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So the ideas is like with the medical bills, I never let it rock my feeling. I didn't have any kind of negative feeling. I had opened the bill. I'd see it. And I immediately state my words around it. Then I'm only paying$8,000 collectively for these bills. So I never had an adverse feeling. Well, why? Because I didn't lean into the circumstance. So with this pandemic, I'm not leaning into the circumstance of how awful it is, Chris. It is tragic. People are dying. So there's tragedy there, but how do I want to stand in that tragedy? How do I want the world to feel in this moment? I only get to do me. So what I'm going to do is hold that there's joy and peace for people in this land, in this nation globally, that people are feeling that. So every time the pandemic comes up, I choose an affirmative statement that there is joy in the land. People are feeling at peace with the current circumstances. Is it true? Of course, people are feeling there's anxiety and pupil are dying and there is tragedy. And what can I do? I can hold a statement that I know to be true, that people can feel joy because they can't. We can hold just like with the medical bills. I only want to pay a thousand dollars. What do you want? Stay your outcome for the, for the, and I understand that's a big thing to take on the pandemic with. Here's the thing. If we come up with an outcome of something that we would like to see, then you're going to see that outcome. It can only happen. It's a creative process. So the faculty is creative faculty, and it's important. We choose our words, which brings a flash of the fulfillment of the demand. So I ended up man, this land being piece.

Speaker 1:

Well, and what I like about it too, is you're not just saying I want to survive or that we'll get by. You're actually taking it all the way over into joy. You know, it'd be one thing to just say, I just want to survive this. That's, that's, that's a better word than I'm. This is killing me. But, but when you say I want to take it to joy, you're really taking it all the way across that emotional spectrum and therefore setting it out there. And so now if I turn on the radio or I read a, a thing pops up in my phone about, uh, the, the, the circumstances of COVID the death or et cetera, I can come back with a statement. I only see joy and just keep focused on that. Is that, is that right?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. And it there's, it's not just happened in one place in my life. I've had it over and over, and I know consistently it works. That is consistently what works is when there's a circumstance that I don't want in my life. I put an affirmative around it. I don't feel the circumstance. I don't go in, I don't talk to you about my circumstance. I don't talk to you about my frustration and my anger. I'm talking to you about the outcome and what, what I want to see. And then it works. I'm telling you it works. And I have countless stories about how it works is that, but here's the keynote of that. Remember you just can not be in the circumstance. And you're like, well, how is that possible? I mean, when you're in a shit storm, like you're feeling it when you're living in a pandemic, how do you not feel? The frustration is people. You just stay with your word, knowing that it is your wand and it changes things. So you state what it is you want to see, you always go to your outcome. And if we could talk a minute about your outcome personally, when you're dealing with your show and the urban artists market, which is super cool and a great place to be, and be an artist and be with you in that, it's you get to the state, every show, what you want to see. And so when, when you say, I, you know, I want to place a facility that serves me and serves my artists and is in perfect location. Well, when you go to place and it's not in perfect location and it's not bad, so what do you do each go back to your word, you speak your word back over it. And that's exactly what you did when you found your last thinner. And you were able to have a show in this pandemic. How did you do that?

Speaker 1:

Well, you just, you say you, like you said, and you say your word, you keep with it. You just keep with it. And, and I think that's the same with any creative process. You know, a lot of people listening to this are, are artists. They do ceramic pottery. Um, I think you have to keep that intent, uh, through the creative process. I want to create a beautiful piece. I want to create this and it can be an attentive money. It can be an intent of beauty, um, helping others. But you just keep saying it and, and like you said, you, you don't see anything, but that

Speaker 2:

Like the BMW one, right? If I were to say, Oh, but it's impractical. Well, okay, then you don't get to have it because you know, the only time you get to have what it is you want is if you're willing to stand behind it, no matter what the circumstance is showing you, no matter that there's a pandemic in the land, we can say that everyone feels joy. Everyone feels joy today. And I know it's kind of fufu. It really is, but here's what I know about it. And it works. Just try it out on something small in your life. I would ask the listeners, try, try something small. And what I'm going to tell you is you cannot ever not one time feel something outside of that. So if you're going to ask for a new car, you need to get your picture of your new car. You need to know exactly what it feels like. It looks like, get yourself in that car, speak your word over it and get an affirmative statement that any time something shows up that contradicts that like a bill shows up and you're like, Oh, now I can't afford a new car for that. This bill, you don't do that. You get the bill, you see it. And you say, well, I still, I have a new car. And I love being in my new car. And I live the joy of being in my new car. And matter of fact, I get the best deal on the lot that day, because they just need to sell one more car, you know, whatever it is then do you see the joy that, that brings like all of a sudden you're feeling? Yeah, I could do that. I'm going down to the locker today.

Speaker 1:

It's interesting. Cause you create the possibility for it. You definitely, you create the possibility for it by, by framing it with the right words.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. It's all in the words we use. Absolutely. So if you would indulge me just a minute. Um, I saw, I also wrote a book called roller coasters, the ups and downs of life in poetry. And it was a definitive work for me because it came out of wanting to create something different from the loss of a relationship. And one of the points in that book is called wings. It says mechanical things must be primed before they start. It is the process of life. Well to test and expand the heart. We have the capacity within us to store, but we do not trust our wings anymore. So expand in us the desire within so we can trust our wings again. And I just drew a picture with my words, for you to trust your wings, to get out and sword, to spread them. You know, and we do that with our words, whether it's poetry or reading a book, whatever it is we're stating we're creating our life.

Speaker 1:

It's beautiful. It's beautiful. Well, this has been really inspiring and inspiring podcast. And, and like I said, I love the fact that we're not talking about just the words you choose in everyday languaging, but also the words you use to, to manifest or to create your reality. And it is about feeling it. And, and a little bit about that trust that you just talked about. So where are you going to, uh, what's your next big creative endeavor with, with this knowledge,

Speaker 2:

You know, I have a new business, a new networking business that I'm creating and I'm speaking my word over that business of creation. And it's so fun because what happens when we speak our, where do we stay with that word? And we w the word creates visualization, because when you use your words, you can see. And when you say joy, you can see someone enjoy. I mean, it all has a picture. So when I'm talking about this new business and I have this affirmation set around creating it, and how people will become millionaires by using this new system that I have, you know, I just staying right there. And that's what I'm creating it a way for, for people to always have income and the availability to support each other. Cause I love people and I love, I love people getting what they want. So most importantly, what I want people to hear, and this is, use your word to create, but know what you want to create, know what it is you want to create and stay there, stay right there. Speak your word about your creation. And no matter what shows up, no matter what shows up, go right back to what it is you want to create, because that draws the people that draws the income that draws them in. And I know again, you go back to the food. How does that work? Look, I can't tell you how, but I can tell you it does because I experienced it over and over and over my life. And I, I get everything I want. I always get everything I want.

Speaker 1:

Th that, that leads me to one last thing I was thinking about, but I didn't want to cut this too short is you had mentioned. Um, and I think that's kind of what you're doing. You're telling a story. So you're not just using your words, but you're actually creating a story. Um, can you expand on that a little bit?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I'm really liked the, um, so the word is your wand. When I draw you a picture and say to you, you have a magic purse, right? And this magic purse is as big as the world and you in it is stuffed full of dollar bills. You have this whole visual image of that. And imaging is re really the faculty. That's, that's the creative faculty. So if I'm imaging in, if I'm speaking my word, like you can, you can easily see when I say, I only want to pay a thousand dollars collectively that their words have definitions. There's a reason we have a dictionary, because if we were just to say generic words, that didn't have any definition to them, then they would have no meaning. So therefore they would just be words. That meant nothing. But we do have words. That mean something. We do read definitions on words. So when we say words, they, they create the meaning because they create a visualization. It created an image. And so when we say the word fear, you know, your image may be different than mine using the word fear, but it's still, there's an imagery there. When I said the word joy, there's an imagery there. Now, if the word fear in your life commit fun, well, then you would use the word fear and you would feel like it's fun. So you, you actually can do that for yourself because they are just words. So if we were to equate fear to fun or scary to praise, or, you know, um, or angry to, to helpful, well, those have completely different meanings and completely different ideas to me. We can play with that. You know, it's all our meaning. It's what we give it. It's the imagery of what we set forth in the word.

Speaker 1:

And so we create that imagery by, by describing it more completely like by telling a small story with it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So imaging is the creative faculty. So you choose your words that bring the flash of fulfillment of the demand. So if I say Chris today, I am joyful. Well, there was a flash to me, of me jumping in the air, laughing and playing with my dogs. I have six rescue dogs. And I, we do that a lot. We jump around. So that's what joy means to me, right. So I can hold the word joy, and then I can speak words. Like my curiosity inspires me to live my dreams. I am pure intelligence, always acting intelligently. Well, that has a visual image to me, you know, of me acting intelligently. What does that look like? You know, that, that looks like meditation and acting intelligently, making good decisions. So you think that, where does it create all of that momentum is like waving your magic wand

Speaker 1:

And then dancing with your dogs a little bit. Yeah. Cause that's fun.

Speaker 2:

Right? That creates that. What, so that's an activity that I'm doing that kind of locks in that idea or the meaning around joy. Cause when you're grateful, you know, sometimes, um, when you're grateful an activity of being grateful, maybe be giving someone a gift. So, or just stating your gratitude, uh, using that word creates a certain visual imagery, doesn't it?

Speaker 1:

Oh, definitely. And I think what you mentioned earlier, just about giving a gift. I have known that when sometimes if I feel like I'm in a funk or something, I just start writing. Thank you cards. I know that sounds weird, but I'll write, thank you cards to people and put them in the mail because it's like you're sending out that gratitude to the world.

Speaker 2:

See? And I think it sounds lovely. So you did mean that, Oh, are you say the word weird? I would say lovely. Right? Because it's a lovely thing to do. That's where you go. Correct. It is by word choice, but you're right. You're right.

Speaker 1:

I need to take ownership of it and, and using the word weird. Sounds derogatory. See, that's a perfect example of a lead calling me out. Perfect example.

Speaker 2:

Right? Well, using the word when you use the word lovely, like this is a lovely process for me. This is a grateful process for me when I write, thank you cards. If I'm in a funk and I write, thank you cards, then I can step into joy. I can step into a feeling that has created gratitude for the people in my life. That that's lovely. And so, I mean, that that's exactly right, Chris, you know, it is the words we choose. What is the meaning now, if weird for you, how to meaning of joy, then it's, you know, for you, it's fine to use the word weird, but I think in connotation, you know, if you looked up the definition of what that means, people would have a different visual image of that. So it's just this idea of using words that create a visual image that promote the thing happening. So there's a final statement in this. It says never forced the picture by visualizing, let the divine idea flash into your conscious mind. So when you say the word joy, what is the divine idea that flashes in your mind? What is it?

Speaker 1:

Um, I did find, uh, joy. I don't know. I see a visual, I guess, cause I'm a visual person, but I see like of birds or something flying or, or butterflies or hummingbirds. That's what I see.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly. Freedom, freedom. Great. And you know, I don't think anyone can really say a word am a visual person. I think most of us are visual people because there's not a word. You can't say anything to anyone. There's not some type of meaning put on it. Maybe it's not a visual, a bird fine, but it could be the word freedom. There's something though that's going to be created out of that, whether it's another, um, a feeling or a visualization or an imagery. Um, but that, that words create the product. I mean, where'd you create it?

Speaker 1:

Wonderful. Well, thanks for joining me on this podcast lean and as always, you always catch me and it is, it's interesting. There's always another layer to explore with your word choice, both in, in just the common words you use to describe your life, but also the words you use to describe what you want to achieve and what you want to create. And so that's consciously choosing the words. So, um,

Speaker 2:

I guess on an outcome that you want to create, use your words to create it, then use the imaging to feel it. So get the outcome. What do you want here? What do you, what do you want in this life? What do you want today? What do you want to eat? I mean, just this. What do you want? Focus on the outcome, state the words like I'm having a healthy meal, it's a good meal and my body loves it. And so as you move forward, that's exactly what you'll create because you have a focus on it and then stay with the word until it's created. And sometimes I can take a long time, like I'm living in a house, um, that's taken two years to manifest the way I wanted to manifest, but I never leave my word. My word is that this, this house is mine solely with my name on the deed, all in the house is paid in full. And I know that that's true for me. I just know it's true because that's fucked in my word over it. And so it doesn't matter the time frame. So don't think if you're working on something big that, you know, I've done what she said, I spoke my word and I keep speaking the same word, but it's not happening. It is happening. But sometimes things, things that are big, like that have to things have to happen around us like the right people and the money and the work and the things that create that to happen. Our job is to know the outcome and to stay with an affirmative statement. Always that creates that outcome for us.

Speaker 1:

Well, that is well, thank you. Thank you, Elaine. Um, uh, I will, I'm sure that we will be talking again real soon. I want to thank you for coming on the show and I wish you best luck with that new product. Sounds cool.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for letting me be here. And you know, I feel the same way about you, Chris, and it really is an art words or an art, just the same way you create your, your pieces, you know, being in the imagined place of it, just flowing through you. And that's exactly what works do. Also

Speaker 1:

Talk to you soon. Alright, bye. Thanks again for listening to the spiritual artists podcast, whether you're watching the show on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Google play, or iHeart radio, make sure you choose the subscribe button so that you will receive updates when new segments are released, most importantly, be still listen and know that you are a spiritual artist.