The Spiritual Artist Podcast
A Spiritual Artist with Christopher Miller is a podcast series that shares stories of enlightenment and growth from conversations with today’s spiritual artists and thought leaders. An artist is defined as anyone that is consciously connected, present and inspired while practicing their discipline. Conversations with guests explore how making art engages us in emotional, wholistic and spiritual growth. Christopher Miller is an artist, writer and speaker in Dallas, Texas.
The Spiritual Artist Podcast
Be Childish: Chris Shares Why Being Childish is a Good Thing
The podcast host gives a Spiritual Artist Chat about the importance of being like a child. We're always told, "Don't be Childish," but Chris tells the listener to do the opposite. He shares his experience while taking an old-fashioned bubble bath and the importance of using water to become more present.
Notice the light hitting the bubbles, the sensation of the water on your skin, and the way the steam rises from the bath. Avoid creating a to-do list or thinking of ways to improve your life situation while enjoying your bath. As an option, he encourages the listener to bathe, shower, swim in the pool or go to a public park with a water fountain. Water grounds us to the present moment.
He explains how most of us try to solve a problem by changing a physical manifestation rather than focusing on staying in the space of spirit. By being a child, we access our inner intuition and guidance.
The spiritual realm is much stronger than the physical realm. An idea or thought is more potent than any manifestation. You don't need to do anything but be present to the spirit in you reacting to the world around you, and then creativity happens.