Purple Shed Productions

Let It Stream Episode 2: Time Travel

December 18, 2020 Patrick Michels and Andrea Grimes Season 2 Episode 2

Round two in Patrick and Andrea's festive tournament to pick a winner among 16 straight-to-TV holiday romance movies. The theme this time: time travel: 

  • 12 Dates of Christmas (2011, ABC Family)
  • The Spirit of Christmas (2015, Lifetime)
  • Correcting Christmas (2014, ION/MarVista)
  • The Knight Before Christmas (2019, Netflix)

Strongly recommended: Kevin Stroud's History of English Podcast.

Our theme music:
Christmas Rap by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3505-christmas-rap
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

LIS Episode 2: Time Travel

Andrea:  Hello and welcome to let it stream. I'm Andrea.

Patrick: I'm Patrick.

Andrea: and together we are pitting 16 holiday romance films against each other in a festive tournament to determine which straight to TV release. Reigns Supreme.

Patrick: for our second episode, we're taking a journey through time and Christmas with four made for TV holiday movies. About time travel, 12 dates of Christmas, the spirit of Christmas the night before Christmas with a K and correct. And Christmas. Our first one  we watched for this episode is 12 dates of Christmas, which is a 2011 film from ABC family.

here's what IMDB says. This movie is about a story that follows Kate, a young woman who after a horrible blind date on Christmas Eve wakes up to find she is reliving that same day and date all over again. And to help you , uh, Wrap your mind around this movie, here are the top five keywords [00:01:00] from IMDB listed here Christmas Eve answering machine message midnight mass ex-boyfriend ex-girlfriend relationship and fixed up with a date this movie it's like a holiday Groundhog day with Kate who's played by Amy smart reliving Christmas Eve over and over again And she's doomed to repeat this blind date and run into the same bunch of folks on her way to the bar and to her family Christmas over and over again okay so Andrea what did this movie teach you about the holidays 

Andrea: this movie taught me that taking care of other people and putting other peoples needs not necessarily first but like seeing them for the totality of who they are and trying to understand how you could help them or improve their lives is a nice thing to do And it made me really miss holiday parties um because it ends in a big fun holiday party and it taught [00:02:00] me it reminded me that I fucking love holiday party What did it teach you about the holidays Patrick 

Patrick: yeah it taught me that I should invite a bunch of strangers over for a holiday party and it's going to be great 

Andrea: I mean inviting a bunch of strangers over basically is what we do for our holiday party when it exists in the world 

Patrick: I think there's a difference between combination of good friends and casual friends that we invite over to our house and the man that you bumped into in the department store or the couple putting lights up in the park that you walk by the hockey hooligans that your blind date is coaching 

Andrea: And the nerd from the bar 

Patrick: she really does reach into the depths of stranger dumb to invite these folks 

Andrea: See I don't I'm a collector of weirdos and straight like that is my function in life is to be the social glue between lots of weirdos and strangers and friends doing that kind of shit is how I know most people I know especially if you throw Twitter into that equation 

Patrick: so it's a little bit like it's like a Groundhog day [00:03:00] type of thing where she has fun with the fact that she's getting to see these same folks over and over again and so to this point about the Christmas party do you think that you would have gotten where she lands quicker than she does Because you're so outgoing and like to collect strangers 

Andrea: I suppose by the time she got around to inviting them to the Christmas party she had met them 11 more times than they had met her So in fact it's on them actually they're the like weirdos hanging out with strangers in this situation And Kate is not the weirdo She knows these people on a deep and intimate way because she's bumped into them 11 times 

Patrick: the movie is supposed to be like Oh rats she's got to relive this day over and over But like I would enjoy getting to know some strangers in that way of like shoot the breeze and try out a few different conversations and get to know people before you have to like Invite them over to your party or like entertain them in a way that you think is going to be an enjoyable holiday for them [00:04:00] do you think this movie is a good movie 

Andrea: Yes Yeah I thought it was a good movie I think that the acting is really good I think Amy smart is really good I love loved her in varsity blues and Mark Paul Gossler actually like low key might be one of my favorite actors of all time which I don't think I would have thought of maybe before watching this but I loved him in pitch And like saved by the belly Zack Morris is like a formative crush for me as a child And like he's super not my physical type like burly blonde jock guys is not really my type but he seems so genuinely nice and like friendly and safe and I thought the writing was excellent It was well paced I think they spent just the right amount of time on like Groundhog date's four or five and six where they just blew through them where she let go shopping and like freaks out and has her like little nihilism part [00:05:00] and then goes back to believing in the world again yeah I thought it was a really good movie What did you think it was a good movie 

Patrick: I love Groundhog dates yeah I agree I think it was a good movie as well after last week my expectations were just super low I would have thought this was a good movie anyway but especially with that I was blown away by the characters talking like real people and being interesting And the plot going somewhere 

Andrea: Yeah I mean you knew how it was going to end Obviously like the only way it ends is that they get together but like it still felt Charming and a little surprising And it touched on some of the tropes right Like they have the wayward hockey teams instead of the children's hospital bunch which I appreciated A little break from that trope had a cute puppy that got rescued Had a adorable grandma grandpa age relationships lonely middle-aged folks young people it was [00:06:00] all very nice 

Patrick: I'm gonna I'm just gonna cut to it and say that I enjoyed this movie as well as thinking it was a good movie 

Andrea: Correct Same big same 

Patrick: I loved all the weirdos too all the weird characters so much fun And the way that like her neighbor who baked her the fruit cake wasn't like some kind of hoarder scary neighbor lady like she just goes in and she's surprised to learn that her neighbor has like cool art on the walls and like a really nice apartment and is baking a million of these cakes for all kinds of people that she knows 

Andrea: Yeah Here's what though I think this is a reason why like this film or rather why I think it works in terms of character development Is that we've you start off with somebody who's a pretty good actor which I think Amy Smart probably is and you get to introduce them to a new situation Every 90 seconds Then you learn an awful lot about who they are without having to Do much else other than show people how they react in the choices that they make So we [00:07:00] liked this movie thumbs up Everybody should watch 12 days of Christmas shall we move on to our second film 

Patrick: Let's go 

Andrea: Okay our second film Is a 2015 lifetime movie called the spirit of Christmas and the I am DB description Is thusly Kate I just now noticed that both of the main characters in these films her named Kate Kate a workaholic lawyer has three weeks to get a haunted bed and breakfast appraised and sold The uncooperative manager claims a spirit who lives there will not approve With Kate's possible promotion resting on accomplishing this task She checks in and haggles with the aforesaid Christmas spirit who suspiciously seems awfully solid for a ghost Pretty hard for a ghost Pretty tangible pretty tactile for a ghost 

Patrick: That sounds like a segue to our top 

Andrea: Yeah So the top five keywords here are Christmas Bare chested [00:08:00] mail Drinking Brother brother relationship And in-laws I can't think of a situation which in-laws manifest in this film period So to unpack this a little more for folks who haven't seen it Basically the deal is workaholic Lawyer has to go to Vermont or somewhere from Boston to try to sell this haunted Bed and breakfast she shows up And Oh no all the appraisers won't come because they get scared off by this ghost And she's what is this fuckery so she shows up to the end and the caretakers like Oh hell no you have got to go The ghost is like coming for you And she was like hell no I'm sleeping here tonight So the caretakers like sure bye and she sleeps there and runs into Daniel the ghost playing the piano I believe He's like just a real dude just to actual human man who takes his shirt off while [00:09:00] ironing as you do 

Patrick: that 

Andrea: Like I said a real human man And they come to decide that they're going to help Daniel the ghost figure out why he comes back as a person For 12 days before Christmas Eve And then they don't really work real hard on that but they do throw a party for Christmas Eve and all of this is like within flashbacks to Daniel's old life as a not a bootlegger a rum runner He corrects people all the time when he was murdered outside the Inn on Christmas Eve after watching his wife Hug his brother so they think that the ghost curse is like to do with that somehow and then they throw a party on Christmas Eve And some other ghosts show up Anyway come to find out the wife wasn't cheating on Daniel [00:10:00] with his brother She was pregnant with his child when he died and he was comforting Her I don't know and the baby died and then Lily died and in the end Daniel has the option of going and living in the forever afterlife with the mother of his child And instead he chooses to go back and live in the year 2015 with the workaholic lawyer So I don't find that ending particularly romantic So Patrick what did this movie the spirit of Christmas teach you about the holidays 

Patrick: geez Um we're back into the Royal holiday movies territory It taught me that if somebody offers me money to run liquor in from Montreal on Christmas I should say no because I might get hit on the head 

Andrea: If you go to Montreal at Christmas please take me yeah what did I learn from this movie I think if anything I know less about the holidays [00:11:00] in particular and much less about life in general after watching this film I feel more confused And more lost and more adrift in the sea of mortal humanity then I did 91 minutes before we finished this movie 

Patrick: boy I do you think it's any good 

Andrea: Nope I didn't I don't think this is a good movie What about you 

Patrick: no I didn't think it was good Which I've been meaning to ask you what your cheesy holiday romance movie that you would write would be And my guests though before we had watched this was that you might've chosen something like this where you've got ghosts and mysteries and a charming but spooky haunted house somewhere it like it takes a lot of boxes that I think you'd be into and yet like this way it played out it doesn't seem like something you would have been going in for 

Andrea: so this movie came recommended by a number of [00:12:00] people who said that it was like one of their favorite Christmas films or at least like w within this Straight to TV apparatus holiday romance It was one of their favorites and as you're saying like the premise wise it ticks a lot of the Andrea Grymes boxes ghost charming spooky mansion time-travel handsome dude And it wasn't a bad movie until it became Really clear that The writers didn't have a grasp of the mechanics and logistics of the haunting one of the things that I do like about ghost stories in this sort of like fantasy realm Is I like the rules that creators come up with to explain the way their worlds are And this was just an absolute shit show like it was a big holiday turd And it made no sense and it had [00:13:00] no rules there's no reason why Lily goes the X The former wife shows up She's never showed up in 95 years before this fucking thing Like where's she been the whole time And then Y apparently Daniel has the power to put Human women to sleep and give them strange dreams so that he can run off with his ex-wife but then also not run off and come back the next day And sometimes he sleeps and he's very hungry why all of those things And Nobody Nobody did more than a light Google to figure out what the fuck was going on 

Patrick: I think that should have been a bigger red flag than it was as we were watching the movie as the The time was ticking away And he had until midnight on the 24th before he disappeared again until next December And we were like shouldn't they be just I don't know get on web crawler or like go to the [00:14:00] library or try to figure out something And they were just putting streamers up and decorating the tree 

Andrea: Patrick did you enjoy this film 

Patrick: I you know I think what was an hour and a half I probably enjoyed the first two thirds and I I really thought it was going somewhere but in retrospect no I I did not 

Andrea: I think I did enjoy it even with the fact that ultimately it is made of Reindeer farts I was enjoyable for sure shall we type in the chat What our pick is from these two films 

Patrick: let's do it 

Andrea: Okay One two three Push Yay Christmas advances to the next round So that's exciting We'll be back in a minute round two to talk about the night before Christmas And Correcting Christmas 

Patrick: All right 

Andrea: it Okay bye 

Patrick: Okay welcome back to our time travel episode round two here we've got [00:15:00] correcting Christmas up against the night before Christmas and we'll start with correcting Christmas a 2014 ion Mar Vista film which is also known in some places as back to Christmas and it's not clear why it has two names but here's what the plot is like on IMDV last Christmas Allie broke things off with her boyfriend Cameron looking back she regrets it and no longer believes in the magic of Christmas But when she meets Ginny a truly magical being she gets the chance to relive last Christmas determined to make the relationship lasts this time She pulls out all the stops but realizes you can't always change the past And happiness may appear in the strangest places and the keywords to the plot IMDB are magical realism Time-travel love triangle adolescent and drinking And I think that the plot summary here and those keywords really do a good job of summing up Exactly what's going on 

Andrea: Wait what is adolescent What part of this film has an adolescent in 

Patrick: Allie and uh [00:16:00] neighbor Nick were friends as adolescents 

Andrea: Oh I 

Patrick: the connection I picked up 

Andrea: Okay All right 

Patrick: No no bare chested males in this one though But yeah I mean the movie opens with Allie alone and uh in LA on Christmas Eve and she has a creepy boss and then she meets her ex boyfriend in the park and is embarrassed because she's just spilled coffee on herself And she goes to the diner and she meets Ginny who is a truly magical being Apparently I was scared 

Andrea: That is I will have to say that description is spot on because I don't know what else she is 

Patrick: they have a nice little chat at the diner about how Allie should ask for what she wants in life and not just settle for the things that she thinks she should have And then she goes to bed alone and she wakes up and she's in her parents' house And her ex cam is downstairs and is not her ex because it's a year ago And they're still together she realizes she's got a chance to do it all over again And so they hang around at the folks' [00:17:00] place and they go to the club a few times 

Andrea: the country club not the dance club 

Patrick: This to me felt spot on for like a Christmas time with the parents driving back and forth doing little tasks to fill the time And just like the 90 minutes are just sort of you go to the club and you go back and you wrap some things and you make some food and you sit around And but as they talk we realized that cam is sort of a monster and that Nick her uh Alli's parents neighbor across the street her old friend from high school 

Andrea: The boy 

Patrick: the point is actually great she's like slowly dawns on her that Nick is maybe more her speed than cam And then cam surprises her with tickets for the both of them to go to Aspen on Christmas morning instead of spending time with family which is such a drag he says and she realizes that she wants to be with her family And so they have a little fight And cam decides to go off on his own And Nick literally like that instant comes to the door to I don't know claim [00:18:00] her from cam is basically how it feels and it's a happy ending 

Andrea: everybody's consenting to the things that are happening at the end So I guess it's fine including Ginny in a gorilla suit with giant gorilla breasts 

Patrick: real suit I wonder what other movies that's been in 

Andrea: It's the icing on the cake it's really icing on the Christmas cake was the gorilla tits for sure 

Patrick: Andrea what did this movie teach you about the holidays 

Andrea: yeah again the this movie more than others It actually does concern the holidays in a specific way because it's actually about Allie wanting to spend the holidays with her family and cam wanting to go to Aspen and the like what that says about them in terms of their like current life goals and priorities I think lots of couples have these conversations around the [00:19:00] holidays So I think what it taught me about the holidays and about life in general is to have a conversation with my partner about whether I want to Have kids and settle down or if I just want to run Coke and Aspen for the rest of my life 

Patrick: Okay Cam really is like an update of the eighties office coworker 

Andrea: Oh he like he's for sure Yes Yeah he's very Wolf of wall street extra what have you learned about the holidays Patrick 

Patrick: Yeah I had a similar takeaway I mean from the lesson that I wrote down was that family isn't for everyone here in particular to your point like it and I it feels a little bit silly talking about this in the context of like time travel holiday romance fantasies with Knights and princesses And but this is the most grown-up of the movies I think we've we've [00:20:00] seen like they really get into some real shit in a way 

Andrea: I found myself surprised at how much I appreciated sort of this theme because I for sure am a cam I mean I don't want to like go do cocaine and Aspen but like I would be very happy to travel with you Patrick my partner on holidays rather than spending extended time hanging out running to Walmart I'm not that I don't like to see my family but like we're not having kids like our life is Concerned with like travel and other things that we can do because we don't have kids so like I'm definitely like team cam in terms of priorities but like definitely not team cam in terms of just being a massive dick 

Patrick: I think it's not just the family thing with cam there's also the scene where they're wrapping the presence uh for the kids who you know wouldn't get presents otherwise is the setup and Allie and cam both have this conversation about like how [00:21:00] much does a kid really need or like basically like why don't they get a pick ax and a shovel for Christmas instead of this Barbie 

Andrea: to Cam is definitely on like poor people Don't deserve nice things and yeah he's a monster for sure 

Patrick: well okay so has grown up and incisive maybe as is this movie is the way we're talking about it do you think this is a good movie 

Andrea: Oh is this a good movie don't know No maybe I don't think it's a bad movie I think it's better Produced and laid out and paste than a lot of the holiday films we've seen No it's not a good movie I'm going to go with no it's not 

Patrick: say no basically what you said it's uneven they're basically moments where it flirts with like revelations like it's pretty like self-aware of the time travel of gag that it's doing And as we were watching it we both thought that the way that Cam's utter [00:22:00] disregard for the feelings of other people made it seem like he was like halfway through his own 12 dates that like what if he was also sent back in time and just completely dicking around with people because it didn't matter and like wouldn't that be funny if she discovers that they were both sent back in time and had to figure things out Together there was a minute where it seems like that's the choice that they made and then it turned out not to be 

Andrea: Yeah I was re I was really excited in that moment where I thought Oh they're both going back in time and testing each other with the questions that they're asking each other But no if it that's just the regular relationship apparently as the film went on it became clear that what we had read as exceedingly subtle cleverness was in fact pretty just general heavy handed hallmark movie I think maybe not a good movie 

Patrick: Did you enjoy the movie though 

Andrea: Yes I did enjoy it I think that Alli is extremely cute [00:23:00] and I felt very at home in the go back to your parents' house and you know see the folks and go to the club sort of thing that felt very much like my family Christmas and also like the house looked a lot Like my mom's house the decor was very my mom I thought it was I thought it was enjoyable I'm going to let this cat in

anyway Yes I did enjoy it What about you 

Patrick: I did too for all the unevenness that we talked about there were some dynamics between characters that were really fun there was Ginny just like showing up in a gorilla suit or whatever Like the movie I don't think ever was really clear on what to do with her in the same way that like you never really understand what Kind of time travel is happening here but it's fine nobody is super cares and you know she's basically making up the rules as she goes and laughing about how it's not how you'd expect it to work And I also enjoyed The brother Jason the way that he would like he in particular was [00:24:00] like emceeing the roast of cam through the whole thing when cam orders the elderflower martini at the country club bar outside And Jason just has a field day with that it was pretty good 

Andrea: all right shall we discuss the night before Christmas So the night before Christmas is the 2019 Netflix film and the IMDB summary is a medieval English night is magically transported to present day America where he falls for a high school science teacher who is disillusioned by love And the IMDB keyword descriptions are scene during end credits bare chested male angel ornament on a Christmas tree artificial Christmas tree and cutting down a tree I would say that basically none of this prepares the viewer for the content of A Knight Before Christmas So the deal with a night before Christmas is sir coal which they [00:25:00] make a whole big funny joke all the time of like circle circle is this medieval English night from the 14th century hanging out in the woods as you do And he runs into the old crone who they just call old crone just everybody's like yo old grown what up she's like 50 so he runs into the old crone in the woods and she sends him to Bracebridge Ohio in the year 2019 where he runs into the village Christmas castle They have like a Christmas castle in the square sort of thing and meets Brooke Okay Vanessa Hudgens in another signature Vanessa Hudgens holiday romance role who is a teacher who surprise has been dumped and is down on love And she well literally runs into him by nearly running him over with her car She takes him home from the hospital and he sets up camp in her guest house which is like basically a 3000 square foot McMansion [00:26:00] behind her house And she likes sets him up in there with TV and popcorn and Alexa which they use to sort of hilarious effect but he goes out and like tries to kill a skunk and start a fire in the yard And she's like no man we can just order pizza and watch Netflix which they do They go to the diner and have dinner where they run into the ex-boyfriend which Sir Cole calls the douche which is very funny and they make a whole joke out of Sir Cole learning the way modern people speak off of television They fall in love Sir Cole is trying to figure out how to complete his one true quest so he can get back to the 14th century in England He saves a local child but that wasn't his quest apparently So they don't really know what the quest is Then they help the poor family in their neighborhood And then they kiss under the mistletoe and then he goes back to England but he has completed his quest but he [00:27:00] I'm fuzzy on this part He comes back and proposes and that was the quest And then he says he's going to become a police officer which frankly ruins the ending for me so anything that yeah 

Patrick: that's it It's when you put it that way it doesn't make a lot of sense 

Andrea: Patrick what did this movie teach you about the holidays 

Patrick: Well as you mentioned the movie taught me that you should not in the year 2019 at least go setting fires and slaying skunks in a stranger's yard at Christmas 

Andrea: that's true 

Patrick: Yeah What about you 

Andrea: I learned that you shouldn't rescue children because you think it will get you sent to the 14th century You should rescue children because it's the right thing to do and that's something that I think we can all take back into our lives Patrick is this a good movie 

Patrick: okay no this is a classic Netflix No it's not a good Christmas movie but you probably enjoyed it it probably for the pacing is necessary that broken Cole don't have too many questions for one another about what's [00:28:00] going on but I still feel like they sort of abandoned what was going on in medieval England and how hard it would be for him to adapt 

Andrea: I have the same problem with bill and Ted actually which is that as a medieval nerd and as an anthropologist the person from our time period going backward 600 years would be difficult but we would have a cultural context That would somewhat explain the things that were going on and also like the things that were terrible and bad 600 years ago misogyny and classism notably although racism also that sort of gets muddier depending on your geography all of that shit would've been a problem for sure For modern people going back For old timey people coming forward Like I think it's just straight like heart attack Like I don't know what it wouldn't be hilarious [00:29:00] confusion Like circle comes from a time when all women kept their hair covered all the time Right So to be placed in the middle of a Christmas castle square with like sexy elves I don't even know what that would do to a man with the with just the fundamental patriarchal beliefs that circle would have had to have but here's the other thing fucking nobody I would be able to talk to each other and this absolutely this makes me wild because The difference between English In the year 2019 or 2020 and English in the 14th century isn't that they had British accents in the 14th century And we don't today Like the difference is that like it's a different language like the vocabulary is a problem but the pronunciation is a for real problem so I wish to play an excerpt [00:30:00] from my favorite podcast the history of English my friend Kevin Stroud I don't actually know him I call him my friend because I fall asleep with him under my pillow every night because His podcast is so soothing to me anyway it's great timing because this week Kevin actually reads on history of English uh Chaucer poem in middle English in early modern English and in modern English without changing the vocabulary he's just reading the pronunciations differently because the English vowels Have shifted over time and not in like a Oh we used to say tomato Now we say tomato Although that is I think actually an example of this thing but like all of our vowels have shifted like all AEIO you like have moved in our mouths the way that we say them like up or down I want to play this clip of Kevin Reading a Chaucer poem Do you mind if I do that Okay here we [00:31:00] go 

Kevin Stroud: Now here's the stanza First in middle English to you may put us onto known other weeks Complainy

knew that yay been licked for a of tests but yay Mark May heavy chair may whereas left They laid upon may batter for which into your matter See Lucy CRE Beth heavy a gain or else multifidi 

Andrea: Okay So that's middle English that's the English that Sir Cole would have spoken do you have any idea of Patrick What old Chaucer's talking about there Yeah no In fact that word chair is cheer as in like holiday cheer the poem is Chaucer basically Treating his purse his wallet as if it is hit a [00:32:00] lady lover who has jilted him and he wishes it would be full again because he's broke So it's a joke or a satire So here's what this same verse sounds like in early modern English So this is like Shakespearian pronunciation 

Kevin Stroud: to you my parse and to known other weight complain I for ye be my Laddie Dare I am so sorry No that you be late for but yay Mac may heavy cheer me whereas laugh be laid upon me bear for which and to Jamar See this I cry BF heavy again or else must I die 

Andrea: So like that even is difficult to understand You can sort of get the gist of it if you think of him as like an old salty Scottish man Yeah 

Patrick: I feel like the movie could have worked if Cole were speaking that way 

Andrea: And so okay So this last one is the same verse in Modern English So this is the pronunciations that we would use today but with the word but [00:33:00] the vocabulary that Chaucer used So this time you will notice that even though like the word seemed clear in terms of pronunciation some of the like grammar and the vocabulary is still pretty difficult to parse So here it is 

Kevin Stroud: to you my purse and to none other white complain I for ye be my lady dear I am so sorry Now that ye be light for certain but you make me heavy cheer Me whereas leaf be laid upon my beer for which unto your mercy Thus I cry BF heavy again or else must die 

Andrea: there is no way in which Brooke would have been able to understand Sir Cole and that is annoying to me in a deep way however Patrick I disagree I think it's a good movie partially because it appeals to the medieval nerd in me and I like it despite the fact that it is so fast and loose with the [00:34:00] history that I love but I think it's cute and enjoyable And despite some scattered it's like I think the subplot with the kid and the poor family is strange And the like neighbor as a romantic rival when she shows up for like literally five seconds of the whole film is Not great Um I do think overall it's good I think that it's like a cute example of this genre and I think the skunk attack is one of my favorite things in a holiday film for sure 

Patrick: it's the first gunk attack we've seen so far 

Andrea: did you enjoy the movie Patrick 

Patrick: Yeah totally really enjoyed it It's great as goofy as the accent gags are they stopped short of it being totally cringe-worthy like they they beat some of the jokes to death a little bit, but They're just dead enough that they'll come back to visit you on Christmas Eve , yes, obviously I enjoyed this movie quite a bit and look forward to watching it,  for years to come 

are you ready [00:35:00] to pick a winner then?

Andrea: Yes. Shall we prepare for the chat? 

Patrick: One, two, three 

Andrea: Yeah.



Christmas wins. that's very exciting. next up, we are going to tackle our small town division,  which will feature, Christmas on the Bayou. The Christmas inheritance, naughty and nice and the Christmas calendar. hop on back next week. When we,  dip into a whole new genre of holiday romance films.

Yeah, . I'll see you before then, because we live in the same time. Just talking to them, everybody out there in radio land.

I'll see you soon.

Patrick:    And one last production note to share before we go like many made for TV films. This podcast is scored by a composer, Kevin McCloud, who makes his music available for free under creative comments. So [00:36:00] our theme is Christmas rap by Kevin MacLeod. And you can find details in our show notes. Thanks for listening.