The Daru Strong Podcast

The Daru Strong Podcast is Here! #001

Phil Season 1 Episode 1

After years of being a guest on many podcasts around the world — world renowned strength and conditioning coach Phil Daru has decided to begin The Daru Strong Podcast! 

Phil will be putting out anywhere from 4-10 episodes per month with some very amazing guests such as world champions, pro athletes, celebrities, and industry leaders!

In this episode #001 Phil Daru shares his vision this podcast, future guest and answers your questions!

Train like an elite athlete:

speaker 0:   0:00
put your mind somewhere a little voice in your head trying to stop you from getting where you want to be Oh, with way strength, conditioning Welcome, everybody to the door Ooh, strong podcast where we talk all things strong and interview the people that personify the meaning of being strong. I'm your host Field room Thank you for being a part of my first ever episode of the Jerusalem podcast. I'm gonna call it number 001 because we got a long list of episodes I want to get through. Now, Today, I'm gonna go over the overview of what we're gonna talk about, who I'm gonna have on and why it's gonna be important for you guys to understand. Now, I know that you guys know me as a strength conditioning coach for combat sport athletes for the most elite athletes in the world, in my opinion. But this isn't that type of podcast. Where are gonna talk strength? We are gonna talk about increasing performance, but we're also gonna interview people that have performance benefits in other genres of activities. Whether that be from physiology, whether that be from psychology. What would that be from just being the best in their field. Also, we're gonna talk about community. We're gonna talk about increasing your performance from a mental standpoint and then also again, getting you're stronger and more fit to as well with the people that we have on. But I'm very excited. I mean, I know. I guess this has been a long time coming. You guys follow me on the fight stream podcast. You know that I love to get into it when it comes down to content. I love to talk about what I do in the industry, but I also want to make sure that I get the platform out to the people that I respect. So I'm gonna go ahead and interview those people. This podcast was intended to provide quality information and entertainment to everyone interested in becoming a better version of themselves. The name of it is drew strong, but with that being said, I wanted to find strong as many things. One is having the ability to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness even when your back is against the wall progressing each day by developing a callous mindset to pain and set back strong people are made through trial and fire and with the hardship comes with the ability to overcome. And two is having your priorities in order on all fronts. A strong person knows what they want and how they're going to get it constantly thriving, not surviving to be better through learning and communicating, providing their mind and spirit with will to keep pushing forward. And lastly, strong means dominating, whether it's on the field court cage ring, when your local gym having the ability to produce an absorb force is the definition of strong. So now that we got that out the way today, I'm gonna go over some questions that I got on my social media, great questions and definitely want to get to them. But I want to make sure that you guys know that I do have a eight week body weight on Lee program because times are crazy right now. I know the pandemic has got everyone tripping out in a way, and it rightfully so, and a lot of people are in danger when it comes down to being sick in being hospitalized and some deaths have occurred. So my heart goes out to those individuals and the families But what I do want to do for me from my perspective, it give you guys the opportunity to maintain your fitness, to increase your performance as much as you possibly can from the comfort of your own home without any weights. So my eight week body weight program, Body Armor, has been going really well. A lot of people have given me great feedback on it. It's a con ticket style of an approach where we utilize high intensity is based off of failure sets and slow eccentrics, maximal isometrics. And then we also work on dynamic effort, working on plyometrics and ballistic style training. This is meant to make sure that you can maintain your strength, increase your strength, endurance and increase your explosive strength. So if you want to check it out, you could go to drew strong dot com. Check out the full details on how you can get started on the program. All right, so now we got all that out the way it's going to these questions. 1st 1 comes from Pete howard dot Wanna one on Instagram? He says, Hey, dude, for your podcast line, I'm 100 and 10 kilos. Big love and being competitive pot, sir. After rugby for 18 months, lots of old turnaround style 100 meter sprints I used to use for top endurance enjoying to Franco style hill sprints. I do, too. Been following the red zone running for lots of treadmill gains this year. Any particular distance. RPG rest ratios you can throw out there for field running as Jim's are shut down would be inspiring. And thank you for doing what you do in everything thus far. I bro. So thanks, Pete, for that question. Yeah. So I do like your sprints. When I was coming up when I was actually training for my own fights, I used to do a lot of hill sprints. Believe it or not, I was a big advocate of what Joe does. And obviously, you know, he is a mentor mind. So what? The things that I would do primarily would be based upon what? The energy systems. I'm actually trying to work now. Bigger athletes, you know, we have to incorporate the aerobic work, but not pound the joints. And I also like to do five minute interval sets. So what we would do is basically you would run up and down. So you do one sprint come down, controlled, run up again, and you do that for five minutes straight, trying to get as many rounds in as possible. I would do that for up to 2 to 3 rounds, or I would do a three week wave where I would start off with two rounds than four rounds, then six rounds and then Taper back off and re start the process again, trying to get more rounds in in each five minute intervals. Another thing that you can do as opposed to just running on the hills. I like to do contrast training with 50% of their one right max with squats and hinges or pushes and pulls. Let's say, for instance, you know I have a 50% of my trap or dead lift. Then I'm gonna take 50% of my push jerk, and I'm gonna go back and forth with one repetition one by one for five minutes straight. What that's going to do is going to increase the aerobic capacity and mitochondrial density of fast twitch fibers. It's gonna increase your technical efficiency, and again you're going to get that aerobic capacity worked into a CZ. Well, another great thing is that it doesn't pound of joints too much. It allows you to be explosive for a longer duration again. If you don't have access to a gym right now, wait room. I know times are crazy. What? You could do it squat jumps and plow pushups. And I would do that for 5 to 10 minutes long, depending on your level off work capacity. And you could do that to increase your fast twitch fiber aerobic capacity. Another aerobic variation that I like to improve on for bigger guys is tempo assault like intervals. And for that you're working more than aerobic power, working the higher levels of your vo two max. And usually I'll do two minutes on in two minutes, off with the recovery around 1 22 130 beats per minute for a three week pendulum wave, increasing the sets from 68 to 10. So again we won would be six reps. We, too, would be eight reps with 3 10 reps and then back off again, and then you want to retest your maximum aerobic power, and I have videos on how you can look at your maximum power. But basically how I measure it out is going on the assault bike and start off that about 160 watts for bigger guys. For females, you want to go about 120 watts, and then every two minutes you're going to increase the wattage by about 50 to 60 watts. Now, you're gonna go and increase that Watters every two minutes until you cannot or no longer sustain that wattage output. That will be your maximum aerobic power. And you also want to make sure if you have a heart rate monitor, I prefer a polar H 10 heart rate monitor. Go ahead and get that Polar doesn't sponsor me or anything like that. But I do agree, and I like their products. So I have all my shoes at and again. You can monitor where their heart rate is based off of there, and maybe so after that again. Like I said, do those robot power intervals two minutes on a 100% of your M A P and in two minutes off, bringing your heart rate down to 122 130 beats per minute. right around on one's own two and then again do those sets. So I hope that helps. Now, let's go to the next question. Okay. This is from Michael 1.3 dot 1.2 on instagram. He says, How do you apply the tri physic training method to M m A. And how long do you focus on the central work? And how long do you focus on isil? Measure Berg and how long he focused on conceptual work. Thank you. Appreciate it. Okay, so first off, when I implemented, try basic system. It's to provide G p p or general physical preparedness. Right is to provide technical efficiency of each exercise of what we call a tester lived or something that's gonna have high correlation to the sport, something that has direct adaptations. So whether that be a searcher squad, whether that be a good morning, a sumo don't live. Those are my main compound moments. But I wanna work those movements in each individual movement tempo so that I can enhance the quality of that overall coordination. Inter muscular and intra muscular, working on hypertrophy in a lot of ways, especially in the East, centric and then also working isil metrics to enhanced strength in Mini Max Ranges or your your weak points. Pretty much so. For about 12 weeks out, we start the trial facing model, where I will do two weeks of eccentrics, two weeks of isometrics, and then after those two weeks of isil metrics, we take a slight deal where I will go over assessment protocols based off of their power. Therefore, sport option their endurance and we go through those assessments and I got some video on my YouTube if you want to check those out, and then after that, we go right into the condensed congregate model where the focus is on straight concentric. Because now we're trying to increase force production and increase maximal velocities so that we can hit the force velocity curve as its entirety. Okay, again, you know, you have to make sure when you're doing these entries that skills training is brought down a bit because of the fact that they are going to get some delayed onset muscle soreness. They are going to be a little fatigued from that very taxing the same time when you're talking conditioning. I like to work some black power working between there and then on the off days, do some aerobic capacity aerobic power to mitigate any type of mount adaptation of mitochondrial density. So when you're talking about high lacking work usually combats with the aerobic capacity. So I want to make sure offset that by doing some aerobic work one for restoration and also to increase the capacity of your oxygen intake. So I hope that helped you there. Let's go to the next question. Okay, the next one is O'Reilly 740 too, he said. Finish day four of Body Armor program and I'm loving it. Thanks, bro. I appreciate that with the gym's clothes, Is it beneficial to take a break from weight lifting and focus on body weight? Resistance bands exercises to help improve mobility, flexibility and help build and strengthen muscles Not worked in general weightlifting. Thanks, Phil. Much low from Ireland. Thank you from Ireland. I appreciate that. Yeah, I mean well, right now you can only do what you could do, you know? And you have to control the controllable Tze and not worry about the uncontrollable in Do what you can as far as getting you in shape and maintaining the strength that you've gained. If you can get some bands, I hide. We prefer you get some bands from, like, a lead, Ft. Yes, I know that I always pitch them out there because their bands are the best. They always work for me and then also again with the body armor program and kind of goes through those specific tempos to allow you to get strength to allow to you increase your endurance and also improve on your explosive strength or explosive power. Yeah, I think that that would be more important at this particular time just because of the fact that you don't have the weights to do the work that you need to do to cause that adaptation to happen. So yes, and then also work on your mobility. This is very important. Work on your mobility. Increase the joint capsule, airy space. Increase your active and range control because that's going to give you the prerequisites to do work once you get access to a weight room. So this is the time. Really? Yes. You're right that you want to start from the basics again and really build up your body from the ground up. You know, a lot of people when they start away training program, they skip the basics, and that's in anything. Really? Right now, I got a lot of guys that I see coming up in an M A. And they want to jump to doing, you know, highly technical moves or in B j J. They want to do, you know, a bear in Boulder roll into, you know, like a go go plot? A But they don't even know how to do a standard arm bar. So we need to make sure that you get the basics down, You understand the fundamentals, and then you can work on increasing that with higher level movements and weight lifting techniques. Okay, next question is a couple here from stank is underscore Roberta Us. He said two questions. What books do you recommend to re for S and C coaching? I have read I s s a II bread and see a strength conditioning books. Michael boils Advances of potion training pdf bomp a spirit ization, which is a really good book and also super training, which is obviously a dense read. Yes. Oh, I know that I had d m this individual and talked about, you know, my favorite books. But you know, again, it's not just about the science of period ization and strength and power and conditioning. Those are very important, and we're gonna talk about those. But it's also about understanding a person and having quality communication skills. That's very important. So what we want to do is you first want to make sure that you have that baseline knowledge of science, and then you want to get on the floor and work with individuals so that you can properly communicate and work on that art of coaching that we talked about a lot. So the 1st 1 is gonna be how to win friends and influence people By Dale Carnegie. The reason why, like I said, is it allows you to understand how to properly communicate with an individual to get them to buy into the situation. Remember, they don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. So again, you want to make sure that you have proper communication skills, that you can converse with these individuals on a daily basis so that they can understand where you're coming from. and they know that you care about that. So that book is really good to jump into so that you can find out the details there. All right, the next one is gonna be mastery by Robert Greene. I like Robert Green's books. I know the 48 laws of power is a little dark, but I feel like that has some great gyms. And they're not for just understanding what people try to manipulate you to do, but also working the system in a way that's going to enhance your quality of life. So again, mastery is a good book just because it goes about understanding what all these masters have done, which is dominate their field. And if you can understand that you're gonna dominate your own field. So mastery by Robert Greene and then getting into the science getting into the true SNC Science and practice of strength training by doctors at Sikorsky is one of the stables of strength conditioning when you're talking about finding out proper privatization, finding out how to load properly, how to increase performance, decrease fatigue and so on so forth. So science and practice of strength training by that source key And then the 4th 1 is going to be People probably don't know this unless you are a Westside follower of Louis managing the training of the weight lifter by Mitt Dev who goes over the proper format of worker passing. Those over pelicans chart understanding workloads and understanding how to properly progress through specific means of loads and in the percentage basis that they need to to one increase performance. But also make sure we're managing at the TV. So those are my books, man. I hope that helps get him. Check him out, let me know how it goes and, uh, give me some more questions later. Okay? This question comes from Mo underscore out. Underscore your many questions for the podcast. What are the best ways to condition your muscles to increase glycogen capacity? I'm asking for a m m A standpoint. So to maintain my energy through the fight, Yeah, So here's the thing. Skill work in general is highly lactic. If you look at it from, you know, an enemy standpoint, if they're working, they're grappling with the working there wrestling. Even if they're sparring or enemy sparring, it's gonna be highly lacked because of the fact that there are in close quarters. They're working through different transitions. They're doing it in a long fashion, and they're activating muscles in all different ranges. So for that you want to make sure again that you can accommodate to the work ahead. And what I would do is in the beginning, increase your aerobic capacity through proper means of general fitness. Now, with that being said, if you don't have a solider will be based. You're not gonna be able to offer out black tape. So with that, I want to make sure that first, we have a baseline of aerobic capacity and you can do that through tempo runs. You can do that through long distance runs. You can do that. What I talked about in the first question with the five by five or the five minutes on maintaining that zone one zone to heart Ray's own so that you can increase your aerobic capacity there. You also want to improve on your oxygen utilization or your oxygen intake, and that's gonna help with again buffering out lactics gonna help you with increasing your energy. So what I would do is work on breath holds we've done breath holds with a lot of my boxers, with a lot of Miami guys and girls, and we've seen tremendous increases in their oxygen utilization in their ability to cope with their hunger. Now I know if you guys follow me in the past, I talk a lot about you. Take, oh methods and oxygen advantage. I utilize that on a daily basis with all my fighters, where we will do maximal breath holds, and we will go five rounds total for two sets right before their workout, and we'll walk in paces now. What I've been able to see is that increases in their ability to take in that oxygen to blow out that co two and then accumulate that carbon dioxide and have the ability to saturate the lungs with CO two to increase their ability to cope with that air. Hunger is important. So what I basically seen, I know Maureen Shea has gone from 20 paces within. I want to say she's done three days a week. She first started off with 20 to 25 paces fast forward six weeks later, and now she gets up into the 50 and 60 paces range so again. What that basically tells me is that she has a better lung capacity. She's improving on her aerobic conditioning That way it is very simple. They're easy to do. It's not taxing on the body, but it increases that ability. All right, so that's gonna help with that buffering capacity there and again. You also wanna work in those zones of lactic capacity and lactic power. So if you're working on a 1 to 1 word to rest ratio or even a 2 to 1, work to rest ratio, making sure that you're keeping intervals around 30 seconds to a minute long and again, you're making sure that the rest period is the same with that optimal ratio. All right. Now, if you don't have the ability to work that in your skills training, then you have to fill gaps. So again, if my guys come in and they don't have a sparring session that day or wrestling session that day, that fills that void. Well, then I'm gonna go ahead and put them through some type of lack of capacity or power training to induce that response and fill that gap. So just remember that all right, so I hope that helps for you. Next question is from Alex West Scott 123 Where do you stand on weekly volume load for strength and hypertrophy. I optimal week sets and rips. And thank you for sharing your knowledge. I have a notebook full of your valuable information from your previous podcast. All right, Thanks, Alex. So in general, we run off a pillow. Pyne's chart to find out specific loading parameters based off percentages and pull up in start is found in the managing the training of the weightlifter. But we wanted to go over it. If you're looking at it from a percentage perspective, right, and you're looking at it from special strengths, but your explosive strength is gonna be around 40 to 50%. That's 1.22 point five meters per second. And what you want to make sure that you're doing is adequate amount of reps and optimal amount of reps that you can do to enhance You know, that performance in general. So you're looking at from 55 to 65%. You're looking at 3 to 6 rips. The optimal amount is gonna be 24 repetitions, so you could manage out your sets of ribs through that. 70 to 80% is around 3 to 6 ribs, and the optimal range is gonna be about 18. For that particular percentage saw 80 to 90% which is working more around speed, strength and strength. Speed that's 2 to 4 rips with an optimal reparations of 15 rips in total. So that's the entire volume of the set and the 90% plus. You're looking at 1 to 2 reps per set, and you want to do on optimal amount of four repetitions for the entire volume of that exercise. To make it more subjective for the individual, you can also find out your individual lives maximal, recoverable volume, and you could find this out on scientific principles of string training juggernaut and Renaissance period ization. Have a great book out. Check it out, and that will take into account age. Gender experience, stress levels, stress responses to different things. From there, you'll be able to calculate your overall training zones based on either a squat bench dead live overhead press whatever the compound lifts you want to do. But I urge you to go ahead and check out the scientific principles of strength training. That book is phenomenal, and I highly recommend it. Okay, so hope that helps you guys. Okay, so the next question is from J C. Underscore Burner. He says, Hi, Phil. I hope everything's going well with you and staying safe. Thanks, brother. That you two, I wanted to ask you two questions. One is what type of strength were extreme speed, speed, strength, muscular endurance. Do you think is the best to train in this period of confinement at home knowing that I don't have any weights. Now I'm training like this. So he tells me what he's training like he's doing one day focus on power. The other day is focused on endurance and hypertrophy, and the other one is speed. Now that's is basically either an undulation model or a concurrent congregate model. Do you consider it better to do just one quality or combine all three in the same week? Yeah, the basis behind body armor is a continent style, like I said before. So what I'm looking at really is I'm trying to find a way to optimize all of these systems, and we can do that through a concrete, concurrent style oven approach. What I would do is work on your higher intensity days, based out every 72 hours and then work on your dynamic work, you know, right about 48 hours after that. So if you wanted to break it up into quadrants, if you wanted to go upper and lower, I would do an upper body high intensity day, followed 72 hours later by or lower body high intensity. They follow 72 hours by a high intensity or upper body high intensity day, and then follow that on 48 hours after. Do a high dynamic day where you're working on explosive power, explosive strength. But also you can work on a little bit more quality of endurance with some accessory exercises to as well to bring up any weak lacking issues. And you would do that on the fourth and fifth day off upper or lower and upper body. So I hope that helps brother again. With all of this being said, this has been a crazy time. You know, we want to make sure that everybody is getting what they need to out of the situation when it comes down to performance and longevity and health. I do believe that we are gonna grow stronger from this situation that we have here. This unfortunate situation. I know my kids are out of school. It's crazy on my wife right now, but we are going to get through this as a human race. I believe that if we stay strong and we keep on doing what we need to do and stay positive, we're gonna come out the other side a lot stronger, a lot more knowledgeable about the situation and make sure that doesn't happen in game. All right, guys, So shorter episode this week because I wanted to get through the objective. I wanted to make sure that you guys understood what I was doing for this podcast. We are gonna have some guests on next week. I'm gonna have one of my main coaches that actually came up with you guys. Follow me before. You know what I'm talking about. We're gonna have him in the studio here in my gym also and talk some shop and see what's going on with him now. Newly acquired things for him. Definitely leaving out the old and bringing in the new in a way, right? So excited for that. Again. Thanks again for you guys who are watching on YouTube or listening on any podcast network that we're putting this on. Thanks again. I will see you next time, Drew Strong podcast and I'm out.

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