Can I Help Find Your Missing Loved One?

Duane T. Bowers is an Outstanding Licensed Professional Counsellor, Trauma and Wellness Educator, He Gives Important Advice to Families of Murdered & Missing Loved Ones

Diana Trepkov Season 1 Episode 25

Our next expert guest speaker on my Podcast "Can I Help Find Your Missing Loved One?" is Duane Bowers.  Such an amazing, informative that I will never ever forget. 

I am so honoured as Duane Bowers (LPC) is amazing, understanding, knowledgeable and therapeutic! Duane gives outstanding advice to families. What many families are going through is also "Trauma" with having a loved one missing and what he explains really helped for me to understand how important it is to have a counsellor to help guide families through this nightmare they are living. Duane does Hypnotherapy, Althernative Healing and his Couseling Options include: Crisis and Trauma, Grief Therapy, Addiction and Anger Management. He is extremely knowledgeable.    

In my opinion, he is definitely one of the best in the world. I hope you will find this interview with Duane as inspirational and theraputic as I did. Thank you Duane for your genuine heart and soul. 

~Duane T. Bowers, is the author of Guiding Your Family Through Loss and Grief, and A Child is Missing: Providing Support for Families of Missing Children (National Centre of Missing & Exploited Children), Caring Hearts-Supporting Families of missing & Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls & Other Missing Persons (Department of Justice Canada), and also hosted the live, call-in internet radio show LET’S TALK IT THROUGH. Duane is Remarkable!

~Be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss an episode. 

You may be the reason a missing loved one comes home or a murderer is caught and taken off the streets.
