Garnet & Great

A Fearless Dexter Carter With the Craziest FSU-Miami Moment

Rich Halten

If not the craziest moment it was definitely unique. There was Smurf-size Dexter Carter draping a penalty flag over the dome of Miami’s Bernard Clark (watch YouTube game highlights beginning at the 4:38 mark). Carter’s spontaneous move was payback for being clipped and nearly crushed by a guy that outweighed him by at least 100 lbs. In this episode of Garnet & Great, Carter talks about that night in 1989 when he got the best of an opponent while FSU got revenge for four straight years of losing to its down-state rival. He also opens up about the ill-advised Seminole Rap video that backfired on FSU the year before—proving that swagger can do as much to fire up an opponent as one’s own team.