The Pipeline: All Things CD & DevOps Podcast by The CD Foundation

Tekton Triggers Beta

September 03, 2021 Jacqueline Salinas, Director of Ecosystem & Community Development Season 2 Episode 26

Speaker: Dibyo Mukherjee from Google

Tekton Triggers is a project that adds eventing support to Tekton i.e. it provides a mechanism to declaratively create PipelineRuns and TaskRuns based on external events. With the recent v0.15 release, Tekton Triggers now has a beta API.

So, what exactly does “beta” mean for Triggers? Tekton follows the Kubernetes deprecation policies which means that we will avoid making backwards-incompatible changes to APIs and features that are in beta. If we do have to make a backwards-incompatible change, users will be given at least 9 months’ worth of releases to migrate.

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