The Pipeline: All Things CD & DevOps Podcast by The CD Foundation
The Pipeline: All Things CD & DevOps Podcast by The CD Foundation
Event-Driven DevOps with Keptn: The End of the Monolithic Delivery Pipeline!
Guest speaker: Andy Grabner
While software architects have broken their monoliths into event-driven service architectures, many pipeline architects still try to apply a monolithic pipeline approach to deliver these new architectures. This results in constantly outdated pipeline code, tight integration of process and tools, lengthy diagnostics sessions to fix broken pipelines and puts strains on the underlying resources that build, deploy, test and validate. In this workshop we introduce a new approach: Event-based Continuous Delivery which decouples the declaration of processes from tooling. It uses a “everything as code” approach which includes deployment, testing, quality gate, observability and promotion definitions. One open source project which implements this new approach is Keptn (www.keptn.sh). Listen to this episode to learn more.