Inside Publishing

Publishing Podcasts with Angela Gilchrist

The Society of Young Publishers Season 3 Episode 4

In this episode, Averie speaks to Angela Gilchrist, Editorial Director of The People’s Friend and one of the hosts from the Reading Between The Lines podcast. Angela discusses how Reading Between The Lines was created, the differences between modern short stories and short stories that were written in the early Twentieth century and what makes a good podcast. We also cover the lack of podcasts created for the publishing industry and how they could be an asset to both publishers and their customers.

Angela Gilchrist
The People's Friend (Editorial Director):
Twitter: @TheFriendMag
Reading Between The Lines (Host):

Hosted & edited by Averie Watson (SYP Scotland Podcast Officer)
Produced by Siobhan ‘Shiv’ Humphries (SYP UK Podcast Officer)
Twitter: @SYPScotland

If you have any questions about this episode, or wish to partake in the show then drop us a line at: