Inside Publishing

The Edinburgh International Book festival with Kate Seiler

The Society of Young Publishers Season 3 Episode 12

In this episode, Averie speaks to Kate Seiler – External Affairs Manager at the Edinburgh International Book Festival – about running and maintaining a popular book festival. Kate talks candidly on the Book Festival’s success, as well as its plans for a greener future. We also cover online events, how the Book Festival has adapted since the pandemic and the Business of Books series, which highlights the people and publishing processes behind the books that are promoted at the Edinburgh International Book Festival.

Kate Seiler Twitter: @kateemmaseiler

Mentioned in this episode: The Business of Books event series (

Hosted, edited & produced by Averie Watson (SYP Scotland Podcast Officer)
Twitter: @SYPScotland

If you have any questions about this episode, or wish to partake in the show then drop us a line at: