Midlife Women Conversations with Jean Macdonald

Pattern Interrupt No 3 – Time and Busyness

Jean Macdonald Season 2 Episode 3

The term Pattern Interrupt come from Life Coaching. When a Coaching client is giving a lot of excuses about why their life is not as they would want it to be, and whose fault it is, the Coach asks an incisive question. This causes the client to stop in their tracks and look at the situation from a different viewpoint.

The Covid-19 lock-down is having a similar effect on a large part of the population. In this series I help you look at various aspects of your life from a different point of view. 

What were the most common excuses you heard from people, and maybe yourself, for not doing things pre-Covid19 lockdown? Was it, I don’t have time, I am too busy, or I am too tired?    Now with this Pattern Interrupt we have time to look and see what neglected issues we were not facing up to by being so busy and so tired. Is it time to look at your previous life and decide if you do or don't want to go back to it and the demands it made on you?

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