The ASE 2020 Project
Great events take people on a journey. But what about the journey that the people involved in our industry have taken? During the 2020-21 lockdown I’m chatting with people who have made a career in our industry and asking them to share their story. Subscribe to the series via your favourite podcast app or you can come to this page for the next episode. Visit https://www.specialevents.com.au for more interviews, news and opinion about the Australian event industry. You might enjoy each episode with a cup of coffee and for the price of that cup of coffee you can support this podcast series - just go to https://www.specialevents.com.au/support
The ASE 2020 Project
Ep 17: Ruth Lilian OAM
Trevor Connell / Ruth Lilian OAM
Season 1
Episode 17
Ruth is an organiser. She became one of Australia’s first In-house PCOs through her work as a Practice Manager for a group of doctors then went on to manage a number of medical associations.
Ruth went on to run numerous medical meetings on her own before joining ICMS Australia and then Pharma Events.
But Ruth is also a traveller and a journalist – these, and many more attributes, she shares in our chat.