High Reliability, The Healthcare Facilities Management Podcast

From hospital to farm: A unique career transition

Peter Season 3 Episode 12

High Reliability, the podcast that focuses on healthcare facilities management, welcomes Dennis Morelli. Dennis is the Shelter Property & Projects Manager at Peace Ridge Sanctuary in Brooks, ME. The Sanctuary calls itself a "Loving Home for Neglected and Abused Animals." 

Before he transitioned to Peace Ridge Sanctuary, Dennis was the Director, Design & Construction at Maine Health, a multi-hospital system headquartered in Portland, ME. In his role, Dennis had oversight of design and construction for the entire Maine Health System. 

Dennis' career transition has been a significant and rewarding one. The transition includes delivering calves on a farm and learning that donkeys and calves can operate doors independently!  

We also discuss with Dennis:

  • Becoming an architect and wearing multiple hats at Peace Ridge Animal Sanctuary (3:00);
  • Comparing Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) to The Joint Commission and discussing animal infrastructure (11:00);
  • Transitioning from healthcare to animal design and care (26:00);
  • Answering the question, What is it I want to be doing with my life? (37:00);
  • Talking about demand, care, and Dennis' favorite animals (53:00).

To learn more about Peace Ridge, please see here

You will occasionally hear Dennis' beagle in the background during the podcast. We hope you enjoy it, it is appropriate given the podcast content!

G/MA Nuggets

  1. For a full listing of jobs we are recruiting for,  please see here.
  2. Gosselin/Martin Associates will have a booth at the ASHE Annual Conference in Boston July 17-20, stop by and see us at booth 1423.
  3. Catch up on the Abraham Lincoln Employment series here.

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