High Reliability, The Healthcare Facilities Management Podcast

You can't know everything

Peter Season 4 Episode 2

High Reliability, The Healthcare FM Podcast is brought to you by Gosselin/Martin Associates. Our show discusses the issues, challenges, and opportunities within the Facilities Management (FM) function.  

In this episode, High Reliability welcomes David Trask to speak about healthcare facilities, the employment market, and the challenges and opportunities he sees as the National Director for ARC Facilities.  

Before joining ARC in 2012, David worked in various publishing, media, and marketing roles. As a result, David brings a multi-faceted perspective to the healthcare FM world.  

In this episode of High Reliability we discuss:

  • Comparing healthcare to other industries (3:30);
  • Eliminating barriers to gaining knowledge (18:00);
  • Does technology tie you to your desk, and talking generational differences (23:30);
  • Comparing the labor markets  (34:30);
  • Selling to the CSuite for the FM leader, and a funny CSuite story (44:00).

My thanks to David for his time. To learn more about ARC Solutions, see https://www.arcfacilities.com

As always, thank you for listening.

G/MA Nuggets

1) Check out the jobs we are recruiting for here, including our latest Children's Medical Center Dallas role.

2) Sign up for the Gosselin/Martin Associates Career Hub!

3) Results of the Healthcare Facilities Management 2022 survey are here.

Check us out at https://cref.com

Or send an email to pmartin@cref.com