High Reliability, The Healthcare Facilities Management Podcast

Setting your own course, building an HCFM business

Peter Season 2 Episode 5

High Reliability, The Healthcare FM Podcast is brought to you by Gosselin/Martin Associates. Our show discusses the issues, challenges, and opportunities within the Facilities Management (FM) function. 

Today we welcome Beth Edwards. Beth has been a healthcare facilities management market leader for more than 15 years, and she has an interesting career path to business ownership.

She is the founder and CEO of HFM Cornerstone, located in Portland, OR. Beth works with and for healthcare facilities and healthcare facility providers daily.  She started her business just a few months before the Covid pandemic began, a difficult time indeed. 

This podcast is a bit different from the ones that we have done in the past. It is still healthcare facility management-focused, but if you are thinking of starting your own business, or you are just interested in healthcare facilities management and how business ideas evolve, this is the podcast for you.  It is an interesting discussion.  

In this episode, we cover the following topics:

  • Astronauts and sanitation workers (2:30);
  • "I never thought I'd have the guts to do it," on creating your own business (11:00);
  • Follow the gnaw, and the challenges starting a business (17:00);
  • On finding your business niche (30:00);

For more information, please see https://hfmcornerstone.com

Thanks for listening. Please visit Gosselin/Martin Associates new Career Hub web site at careers.gosselin-associates.com or the main site at gosselin-associates.com

Sign up for our free 45-minute Webinar,  the Healthcare Facility Professional's Toolbox at  https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAsfuysrzwsHt15UeieYEQcSoNXDA947J8h  

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