High Reliability, The Healthcare Facilities Management Podcast

Controlling your FM destiny, with Dave Dagenais

Peter Season 2 Episode 6

High Reliability, The Healthcare FM Podcast is brought to you by Gosselin/Martin Associates. Our show discusses the issues, challenges, and opportunities within the Facilities Management (FM) function. 

Today,  we welcome Dave Dagenais to High Reliability.  Dave is currently the Senior Director of Plant Operations, Clinical Engineering, Emergency Management, and Safety Officer at Wentworth Douglas Hospital in Dover, NH.  

Dave is a former ASHE President (2015) and a former Life Safety Surveyor for The Joint Commission. Dave sits on many NFPA code-making committees and serves on the NFPA Codes and Standards Review Committee for Healthcare; Dave is a  faculty member for NFPA and ASHE. 

We cover many areas, from advocacy to controlling your destiny to cows, in this multi-topic podcast:  

  • Making career decisions, from an early age (4:00);
  • Making a move to healthcare and starting on the road to advocacy (18:30);
  • How do FM professionals Control their Destiny (31:00);
  • NFPA advocacy, FGI guidelines, and knee-jerk reactions (38:00);
  • Something you may not know about being the ASHE President (50:00); 
  • The business of healthcare facility management, and what's required to succeed (56:00).

Thanks for listening. Please visit Gosselin/Martin Associates new Career Hub web site at careers.gosselin-associates.com or the main site at gosselin-associates.com

Sign up for our free 45-minute Webinar,  the Healthcare Facility Professional's Toolbox on March 25.....at  https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAsfuysrzwsHt15UeieYEQcSoNXDA947J8h  

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