Disrupt Development

Episode 22: Pracademics

Season 1 Episode 22

 Pracademics are individuals with a position in academia, practice or both who straddle the boundaries between the two domains and have the ability to act as responsive connective tissues and as change agents towards the sustainable development goals.

In this episode together with Dr. Willem Elbers we are going to talk about pracademics.  Their experiences and the conditions under which pracademics can fulfil their potential as uniquely equipped change agents, innovators and disrupters to bring about transformational change in global development.

Dr. Willem Elbers has a position at Radboud University as a researcher and deputy director of the Advanced Master in International Development (AMID).  Dr. Willem Elbers seeks to combine academic excellence with practical relevance in the field of development. The interaction between science and practice is apparent in his research on civil society, partnerships, advocacy, disability and power and his upcoming book - the pracademic as change agent towards the Sustainable Development Goals. 
If you are interested in this book, reach out to Dr. Willem Elbers via w.elbers@maw.ru.nl.