Disrupt Development

Partos Future Exploration - Adaptive pathways

June 21, 2021 Alexander Medik

We live in volatile, uncertain, and complex times. So, how do we navigate an age of uncertainty and complexity in global development? In this series, we explore the Future of Partos - the Dutch Development Cooperation Association that brings together nearly 110 Dutch Development NGOs.

In this 2nd episode together with Dr. Tina Comes we try to better understand the role of resilience in global development. What resilience and adaptive management is, why these concepts are important for global development actors, and how the 'dynamic and adaptive policy pathways' methodology is shaping the future of Partos. 

Click here if you would you like to learn more about the Partos Future Exploration. Click here to explore how you can work together with Disrupt Development. Do you want to engage in thought-provoking conversations with fellow development professionals then make sure to join the 'Talk the Walk' sessions. Every Friday, 1 PM CEST!