Disrupt Development

Beyond Poverty Porn - Winners of the Fly in the Eye & Highflyer Award 2021

Alexander Medik

In 2021 development and humanitarian campaigns still show harmful stereotypes, negative framing and traces of white saviorism. Yet we also see alternative frames in communication that question the status quo.

In this Poverty Porn series, we open up the conversation about ethical, respectful, and inclusive communication in global development,  together with the Expertise Centre Humanitarian Communication.

In this third episode, the directors of the Expertise Centre Humanitarian Communication  Emiel Martens and Wouter Oomen invite the jury to announce the winners of the Fly in the Eye and Highflyer award - the worst and best communication campaign in Dutch Development Cooperation. On behalf of the jury, Gigi Pasco Ong-Alok and Mina Etemad share their reflections on the jury process, what trends stood out and how they came to their final award selection. What should be the role of communication and media campaigns in the work of development organizations, and how does it relate to a commitment to social justice and anti-racism? Listen now!