Disrupt Development

Partos Future Exploration - First reflection

July 12, 2021 Alexander Medik

We live in volatile, uncertain, and complex times. So, how do we navigate an age of uncertainty and complexity in global development? In this series, we explore the Future of Partos - the Dutch Development Cooperation Association that brings together nearly 110 Dutch Development NGOs.

In this episode, we reflect on the first phase of the Partos Future exploration together with Bart and Mariken. What has happened since the start, what have we learned and what are the next steps? Bart Romijn is de director of Partos and Mariken is the facilitator of the Partos Future exploration, representing Fonkeling and the Resilience lab of TU Delft.

Read more about the Partos Innovation Festival and register your innovation to be showcased at the festival on the 8th of October 2021.