Disrupt Development

Partos Future Exploration - Digitalisation for Development

We live in volatile, uncertain, and complex times. So, how do we navigate an age of uncertainty and complexity in global development? In this series, we explore the Future of Partos - the Dutch Development Cooperation Association that brings together nearly 110 Dutch Development NGOs.

In this episode we talk with Marie-Louise about digitalisation for development. What is digitalisation for development, what are the future uncertainties when it comes to the digital divide, digital economies and digital security and how is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Netherlands accelerating the digitalisation for development agenda?

Marie-Louise Wijne is senior policy advisor on digitalisation and development at the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She is also PhD Candidate at the Africa Studies Centre at Leiden University, where her research focuses on the use of digital data in development cooperation programmes.

1. The Netherlands' Digital Agenda for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation was published in June 2019.
2. The IT4D. no publication showcases 33 examples of of development programmes, funded by the Netherlands, with a strong digital component.
3. The Digital Inclusion Benchmark was developed by the World Benchmarking Alliance with support from the Netherlands. It uses a methodology bases on four themes (access, skills, use and innovation) to benchmark the world's most influential technology companies on their contribution to bridging the digital divide.