Disrupt Development

Re-imagining the INGO - Global South Leadership

November 21, 2021

The world has changed since INGOs became prominent actors on the global stage. The current model for INGOs seems no longer fit for purpose. The Ringo Social Lab - Re-imagining the International NGO - brings together a group of influencers, thinkers, leaders, and disruptors from across civil society around the world in the quest to re-imagine the role of INGOs and global civil society. In this series, we explore the future of global civil society through the lens of the Ringo social lab.

Exploring leadership from the global south in the development sector with an emphasis on the impact of the sector on women leaders. The moving ‘closer to the ground’ policy means there are more branches or offices of INGOs in the global south headed by nationals. However, how do these organisations deal with cultural notions of what leadership should look like and the challenges women leaders, especially women of colour, face in delivering on the promise of a better world within their organisations and in the communities they serve?

About Osai Ojigho: Osai is a feminist, human rights expert, gender equality advocate, civil society leader, and the Country Director of Amnesty International Nigeria. She is well-traveled and widely published, contributing to various publications. Find her on Twitter and Instagram: @livingtruely

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