Disrupt Development

Re-imagining the INGO - the Foreign Aid Industrial Complex

Alexander Medik

The world has changed since INGOs became prominent actors on the global stage. The current model for INGOs seems no longer fit for purpose. The Ringo Social Lab - Re-imagining the International NGO - brings together a group of influencers, thinkers, leaders, and disruptors from across civil society around the world in the quest to re-imagine the role of INGOs and global civil society. In this series, we explore the future of global civil society through the lens of the Ringo social lab.

In this episode, Keith Slack -Director of Strategy and Campaigns at EarthRights International-, will be sharing his perspective on the international development field through the lens of human rights and environmental issues. Keith coins the term 'foreign aid industrial complex' to raise the critical question of whether or not development professionals are trying to work themselves out of a job. He poses the challenging question: are we willing to fundamentally challenge the powers that be, to produce meaningful change that is uncomfortable and possibly threatening to some people? 

About Keith Slack: Keith is EarthRights International’s Director of Strategy and Campaigns. Prior to joining EarthRights in May 2018, Keith spent nearly two decades building and directing Oxfam America’s Extractive Industries Global Program. In that role, he led campaigns and advocacy to promote greater transparency and respect for the human rights of affected communities.

Interested to learn more about Ringo: https://rightscolab.org/ringo/
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