Positively Living®: Shame-Free Productivity Conversations

Why Being Present is So Powerful

Lisa Zawrotny Episode 139

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In a world filled with endless distractions, being present is something that is talked about plenty and yet, misunderstood even more. This week, episode 139 of the Positively Living Podcast is about the power of being present!

In this episode of the Positively Living Podcast, I’m sharing why it’s important to practice being present in our daily lives and leaving you with 6 simple steps that you can take right now to start practicing being present. 

I cover the following topics:

  • What it means and how it feels to be truly present. 
  • What being present does for us from a practical, productivity standpoint. 
  • Bonus benefits of being present. 
  • Things we can shift in our everyday routines that help us practice being present. 
  • A practice you have heard about from me for years that’s directly linked to being present.

The things keeping us from being present often relate to energy, time management and mindset, so the more you nurture those areas, the easier it will be to be present. 

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me!  And don’t forget to follow, rate, and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!

Learn more about Positively Living and Lisa at https://positivelyproductive.com/podcast/

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Work with Lisa! 


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Episode 4 The Power of Gratitude

Episode 132 4 Ways You Are Already Practicing Gratitude

Dance Song Playlist V1, V2, V3

Music by Ian and Jeff Zawrotny

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