Kitchen Table Theology

131 Of The Family and Household of God

November 13, 2022 Pastor Jeff Cranston Season 1 Episode 131

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “household”? In today’s episode, Jen and pastor Jeff discuss what it means to be in God’s household. They explore its implication on our physical bodies, our eternal home in heaven, and our relationship with God. We are now part of His family and as such we have a responsibility to love and care for each other. Tune in to learn more!

[00:01 - 02:51] Opening Segment

  • Thank you for your feedback!

[02:52 - 13:56] Of The Family and Household of God

  • We are part of 2 households
    • The household of our natural family
    • The household of faith
  • Ephesians 2:19
  • Galatians 6:10
  • At the moment of salvation, believers are brought into the household of God
  • The Bible teaches that both our earthly family and our spiritual family are essential
  • Being a Christian means having God as our father
  • Having our needs met means that we have access to all the resources of God
  • Being part of God's family gives us purpose and eternal significance
  • We have an internal eternal inheritance, which comes from receiving Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior
  • We have the privilege to extend the invitation to other people to become part of our family

[13:56 - 15:24] Closing Segment

  • Final words


“God has given us everything we need. Not only to live but to live godly lives down here.” - Pastor Jeff Cranston

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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it but applying it. Thanks for listening!