Kitchen Table Theology

148 Bonus Episode: End Times Q&A, Part One

April 09, 2023 Pastor Jeff Cranston

In this episode, Pastor Jeff and Erin discuss questions about the end times. They delve into the tribulation period, the significance of the rebuilding of the temple, false prophets, and whether only Christians will hear the trumpet at the rapture. They explore the chaos and disruption that will occur on earth after the rapture, including the difficulties pregnant and nursing women will face. They also discuss identifying false prophets and the importance of context when studying the Bible.

[00:01 - 07:59] Answering Challenging Questions About End Times and the Rapture 

  • Pastor Jeff and Erin answer questions about the end times, including the rebuilding of the temple and false prophets
  • The Bible doesn't give a clear answer on whether only Christians will hear the trumpet at the rapture
  • Unbelievers may hear heavenly sounds but interpret them differently

[08:00 - 15:25] The Difficulty Pregnant and Nursing Women Will Face During the End Times

  • Unbelievers may hear the trumpet at the rapture but won't fully understand it
  • Millions of people will be missing after the rapture, causing major disruption on earth
  • The tribulation period will be the most evangelistic seven years in history
  • Pregnant and nursing women will have a difficult time during the tribulation due to danger and lack of resources.

[15:26 - 24:37] Understanding the Definition of a True Prophet from a Biblical Perspective.

  • Can non-Christian leaders be false prophets?
  • Characteristics of a true prophet: fulfillment of words, consistent with scripture, encourages righteous behavior, reflects divine call, acknowledges Jesus as divine
  • False prophets within the church are more dangerous than those outside


“The best way to tell a false prophet is to know what a true prophet is, which means you gotta know the word of God.” - Pastor Jeff Cranston


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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it but applying it. Thanks for listening!