Kitchen Table Theology

007 Bonus Episode: Holy Scriptures Q&A

Pastor Jeff Cranston Season 1 Episode 7

Podcast: Kitchen Table Theology

Podcast Series: The Holy Scriptures

Episode Number: 007

Episode Name: The Holy Scriptures Series Q&A

Episode Length: 25:58

Episode Download Link: Click here to download episode. 

Host: Jeff Cranston

Co Host: Jen Denton


Episode Summary

In this episode, Pastor Jeff answers a few questions that were submitted during the Holy Scriptures series. 

Topics We Discussed in this Episode

●     [4:20]            Why is the Holy Spirit referred to as a person when it is not a physical being? What is the definition of “person” when it says “God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit three persons in one” in the Bible?

●     [10:20]          So now that we know the Holy Spirit is a “he”, not an “it”, how does that affect our day-to-day lives?

●     [13:32]           We believe the Bible is complete and there are no more books of the Bible to be added.  Who determined which books were to be included? How were the 66 books of the Bible determined to be the complete Scriptures? 

Bible Verses We Mentioned in the Show

●     Romans 8:26

●     Romans 8:15-16


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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it, but applying it. 

Thanks for listening!