Kitchen Table Theology

008 The Trinity

May 31, 2020 Pastor Jeff Cranston Season 1 Episode 8

Podcast: Kitchen Table Theology

Podcast Series: The Trinity

Episode Number: 008

Episode Name: The Trinity

Episode Length: 21:06

Episode Download Link: Click here to download episode. 

Host: Jeff Cranston

Co Host: Jen Denton


Episode Summary

Today we begin a new series on the doctrine of The Trinity. Has anyone ever explained the Trinity to you? The Trinity is something that is always assumed, but not often discussed, explained, or taught.  The idea of One God in Three Persons – three in one – is a concept we have difficulty getting our heads around. 

Topics We Discussed in this Episode

●     [10:02]            The word “trinity” means “tri-unity”, that is, three in one. There is only one true and living God.         

●     [10:53]            The Bible teaches that the Father is God, that Jesus is God, and that the Holy Spirit is God. The Bible also teaches that there is only one God. The Trinity is one God existing in three Persons. 

●     [12:00]            Where in the Bible do we see the Trinity?

●     [16:10]            Without a balanced view of all three persons of the Trinity, we can misinterpret the work of God in this world.

Resources We Mentioned in the Show

·       Jeff referred to this diagram in the show today

Bible Verses We Mentioned in the Show

●     Deuteronomy 6:4

●     Romans 3:30

●     1 Timothy 1:17

●     Luke 3:22

●     John 15:26

●     Acts 2:33

●     2 Corinthians 13:14

●     1 Peter 1:2

●     Isaiah 48:16

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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it, but applying it. 

Thanks for listening!