Kitchen Table Theology

009 God The Father

Pastor Jeff Cranston Season 1 Episode 9

Podcast: Kitchen Table Theology

Podcast Series: The Trinity

Episode Number: 009

Episode Name: God the Father

Episode Length: 24:59

Episode Download Link: Click here to download episode. 

Host: Jeff Cranston

Co Host: Jen Denton


Episode Summary

Many of the things that we believe as Christians, we don’t fully understand; this is true when we speak of God himself. In this episode of the Trinity series we discuss God the Father and His role within the framework of the Trinity. 

Topics We Discussed in this Episode

●     [4:12]      We have been created by God to be in relationship with one another and with Him. 

●     [6:17]      God has not only existed forever, He has existed in relationship forever.  We have to being to understand the relational Oneness of God. There are three members of the Godhead (forming a Trinity) and they are easily identifiable in Scripture.

●     [14:20]     God is the Father of all creation. 

●     [16:32]     We see God declaring His care as a Father over all who trust in Him as their God.

●     [17:06]     God is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

●     [18:04]     God is the Father of all who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 

●     [22:08]     The Trinity should cause us to bow in humble adoration before a God who is greater than our minds could ever comprehend. 

Resources and People We Mentioned in the Show

·       Jeff referred to Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafers book, “Major Bible Themes” in the show.

·       Jeff mentioned Daniel Webster, American political leader, in the show. Webster stated, “I do not pretend fully to understand the arithmetic of heaven now.” 

Bible Verses We Mentioned in the Show

●     Mark 1:9-11

●     Acts 7:55

●     1 Corinthians 8:6

●     Titus 2:13

●     Acts 5:3-4

●     Ephesians 3:14-15

●     Hebrews 12:9

●     Psalm 103:13

●     Ephesians 1:3

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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it, but applying it. 

Thanks for listening!