Kitchen Table Theology

020 God Is Omnipresent

August 09, 2020 Pastor Jeff Cranston Season 1 Episode 20

Podcast: Kitchen Table Theology

Podcast Series: God’s Amazing Attributes

Episode Number: 020

Episode Name: God is Omnipresent

Episode Length: 23:24

Episode Download Link: Click here to download episode. 

Host: Jeff Cranston

Co Host: Jen Denton


Episode Summary

Loneliness has become a real issue for many during this time of pandemic. Feeling disconnected from people leads to loneliness. And you don’t have to be alone to be lonely. When we think back to Creation, one of the earliest problems that God saw was when He said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” In this episode we discuss the doctrine of God's omnipresence. Is God there when we need Him? Is He there even when we don’t need Him? Is He in Heaven or is He on earth? Or both? Can we truly turn to Him at any time and know He’s there? 


Topics We Discussed in this Episode

●     [5:45]     Omnipresence, stated simply, means that God’s presence is everywhere. He is all-present or present everywhere. There’s nowhere we can go to hide from Him, because everywhere we go, He is already there.     

●     [8:05]     There is nothing hidden from His sight, because His presence is everywhere.

●     [12:30]     God is not limited by space or special dimensions. He cannot be contained by any space. Is God in Heaven? Is God only in Heaven? 

●     [15:16]     Good theology, which leads to a solid biblical worldview, teaches us that God is present everywhere in His creation, but that He is distinct from His creation.

●     [17:10]     As a believer, because God is omnipresent, you and I are never alone. 

Resources We Mentioned in the Show

●    Pastor Jeff’s latest book, “Your Greatest Adventure: Taking the Next Steps in Your Faith”, is available today.

●    Jeff referenced Yury Gagarin and the story of his space travels, as written in an anecdote in New Age Journal, Vol. 7 (1990), p. 176.

●    Jeff referenced Dr. Wayne Grudem’s book, Systematic Theology, in the episode today. 

●    Jeff referenced this article by author David Sanford in the episode today. 

Bible Verses We Mentioned in the Show

●     Jeremiah 23:24

●     Proverbs 15:3

●     Psalm 139: 7-11 (NLT)

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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it, but applying it. Thanks for listening!