Kitchen Table Theology

041 Q&A Episode

January 17, 2021 Pastor Jeff Cranston Season 2 Episode 41

In this episode, Pastor Jeff Cranston and Jen Denton will be answering some theological questions that have been submitted by our audience to wrap up the series on Christology.

If you are interested in learning about any specific theology topic to study, you can go back, check out the archive, and listen to previous episodes. 

[00:01 - 05:00] Opening Segment

  • Jen talks about the topic of today’s episode.
  • Question from Asher Auburn via Instagram: “ Is Jesus God? Did the biblical Jesus exist?”
    • Pastor Jeff suggests to check out episode 35, titled ‘The Deity of Christ’, where we discuss this exact topic to answer the first question.
  • Jen reminds us of how to connect or send us any questions and comments.
    • See links below.

[05:01 - 14:59] The Archaeological and Extrabiblical Evidence of Jesus.

  • Pastor Jeff talks about the sources that explain the existence of Jesus.
    • Check out the link to the article below.
  • Pastor Jeff talks about the archaeological evidence about Jesus.
  • Pastor Jeff shares some extra-biblical writings and passages from Jewish-Roman historians.
    • Flavius Josephus
    • Tacitus

 [15:00 - 21:59] Does the Cultural and Time Differences matter?

  • Question from Matthew via Instagram: “Since Jesus was on the earth for such a short time years ago, how does He relate to today’s’ day and time?”
    • Time, culture, space, and ethnicity, or anything else that we have to deal with would not make any difference to Jesus; all of that would be superfluous to Him.

 [22:00 - 31:29] Jesus Physical Appearance

  • Question from Jen: “What do you think Jesus’ physical appearance looks like?”
    • What he looked like is pretty elusive because the Bible doesn't describe Jesus physically.
  • Pastor Jeff pieces together what we do know about Jesus.
    • Jewish Galilean 30 year old man that did not stand out in any particular way physically.

[31:30 - 33:23] Closing Segment

  • Jen talks about the topic for the upcoming episode.
  • Final words from Pastor Jeff and Jen.

Tweetable Quotes:

“ Time, culture, space and ethnicity or anything else that we have to deal with would not make any difference to Jesus, all of that would be superfluous to Him. ” - Pastor Jeff Cranston.

“What he looked like is pretty elusive because the Bible doesn't describe Jesus physically.” - Pastor Jeff Cranston.

Bible Verses and Other Sources Mentioned:

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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it but applying it. Thanks for listening!