Kitchen Table Theology

066 The Church As The House of God

Pastor Jeff Cranston Episode 66

 "The church isn't just some happenstance gathering of redeemed people who come together on their own. The building, the house of God is orderly, sophisticated, purposeful, divinely designed by the grand architect God Himself. And all of that united by one Lord, one faith, and one baptism." - Pastor Jeff Cranston

Hello Kitchen Table Theology Family! We’re your hosts, Jen Denton, and Pastor Jeff Cranston. This is our fifth episode in a new series on the Church. The Doctrine of the Church is also known as the doctrine of Ecclesiology. Previously, we discussed how the church is like a flock, fellowship, body, bride, and family. Today we tackle how the church is the House of God.  

[00:29]  The Church Is Local and Universal

  • The word 'church' in the New Testament is applied to any size of believers: From a very small group of believers meeting at a house all the way to all true believers extending to every corner of the world
    • House church references in the NT (Rom 16:5, 1 Cor 16:19)
    • The church is spread throughout the city /geographical location (1 Thess, Acts 9:31)
    • The church throughout the entire world (1 Cor 12:2)
  • Defining ‘Church’
    • Defined by Jonathan Leeman: A local church is a group of Christians who regularly gather in Christ's name to officially affirm and oversee one another's membership in Jesus Christ and His kingdom through gospel preaching and gospel ordinances

[06:38] The Church Is The House of God

  • The church is, in a sense, God's habitation; He resides in His people
  • Christ was and is the original foundation and the apostles and prophets were sovereignly added by God (1 Cor 3:11, Eph 2:20)
  • The church is being built together as a dwelling place of God (Eph 2:21-22)

 [13:04] The Church is Made of Livingstones

  • Christians are called Livingstones being fashioned by Christ who is the Cornerstone (1 Pet 2:5-7)
  •  Livingstones are God's people who have or are undergoing God's chipping away

 [16:27] So What?

  • Within the kingdom of God is the Church of God. His church, within His kingdom, is the body of authority. The Church isn’t just a happenstance gathering of redeemed people who come together on their own
  • Closing words: Pay attention to your KTT feed later this week! We have a bonus episode dropping

Key Quotes

“The church is called God's house because it is also in a sense God's habitation because He resides in His people.” - Pastor Jeff Cranston 

"These living stones are God's people who have or are undergoing God's chipping away. Sometimes it's discipline, sometimes it's just God fashioning us more and more into the image of Christ." - Pastor Jeff Cranston

"We think about that Livingstone nature; All of us, with all of our chips and things that we don't think are perfect, He makes perfect in His own time for that purpose." - Jen Denton


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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it but applying it. Thanks for listening!