Kitchen Table Theology

070 Inevitable Results of Lostness

August 15, 2021 Pastor Jeff Cranston Episode 70

“One of the great dangers in theology is making our faith something we discuss rather than something which moves us.” - Kelly M. Kapic

Hello Kitchen Table Theology Family! In this episode, Pastor Jeff and Jen Denton continue in our series of The Doctrine of Hamartiology. So far in this series, we’ve covered The Lostness of Man, and today we’re discussing the Inevitable Results of Lostness


[00:01] Establishing a Foundationally Biblical Understanding of Sin

  • Floyd H. Barackman’s 6 brief observations about sin 
    • Since sin is a unique force, it is positive, absolute evil, not a lesser degree of goodness
    • Sin is actively opposed to God and His will
    • Sin was not a part of the Original Creation
    • Sin always produces death, both spiritual and eventually physical
    • Sin will cease to exist in humans when all mortal bodies die and when we're all changed

 [08:27] The Inevitable Results of Sin

  • Sin plays a role in every human beings life and the ultimate inevitable result of sin is an eternal tormenting hell (Isaiah 59:1-3) 
  •  Sin affects our will and our judgment (Romans 6:16) 
    • You belong to the power which you choose to obey (John 8:44)  
    • Sin affects our physical body (Psalm 38:3-4)
  • Our sin separates us from God eternally 
    • Those who are in the righteousness of Christ inherit an eternity in Heaven (Luke 23:43,  2 Cor 5:8, Phil 1:23
    • Those who are unrighteous, and apart from Christ are sent to eternity in Hell (Mat 8:12, 1 Peter 3:19, Luke 16:24, 2 Thes 1: 8-10)
  • Do we have a second chance after we die? (Heb 9:27)

 [21:45]  Here’s the Good News!   

  • Some great reminders regarding sin and Jesus from Charles Spurgeon 
  • Closing words 


Key Quotes

“It is sobering because sin affects all of us and it affects us to the utmost degree. The eternal destiny of every person who's ever lived, is living now, or will live in the future. Sin plays a role in every human being’s life.” - Pastor Jeff Cranston 


Resources Mentioned


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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it but applying it. Thanks for listening!