Kitchen Table Theology

074 What Happens to Children Who Die in Infancy?

Pastor Jeff Cranston Episode 74

“I think a lot of us like to say, [Children] are so innocent, but that doesn't save them. They, along with every other person in the history of the planet, can only be saved based on Christ's redemptive work on the cross and the regenerating work of the Spirit.” - Pastor Jeff Cranston

Hello Kitchen Table Theology Family! In this episode, Pastor Jeff and Jen Denton wrap up our series of The Doctrine of Hamartiology. So far in this series, we’ve covered The Lostness of Man, the Inevitable Results of Lostness, the Future Destiny of the Lost, If There is a Second Chance After Death, the Consequences of Sin, and today we answer a question that people have been asking for centuries.


[00:01]  The Weight of This Topic

  • A brief history lesson on what theologians and church leaders have taught regarding this issue
  • While Scripture doesn't address this issue directly, Scripture contains guidance that can lead us to an answer with biblical grounds

 [09:41]  Are All People Sinful Before God, Even at Infancy?

  • We are all sinners before God
    • The universal sinfulness of humanity (Psalm 53:1-3, Psalm 143:2)
    • There is no one who does not sin (1 Kings 8:46, 1 John 1:8)

[14:22] Are Infants Guilty Before Committing Sin?

  • The Lord Jesus died for everyone. By His work on the cross, He has secured the basis of divine forgiveness, so that anyone can turn to Him and be saved
  • God is not willing that anyone should perish. (Matt 18:14, Rom 1:19-23)
  • Infants cannot know right from wrong, nor do they have the ability to choose right over wrong (Deut 1:39)
  • Because salvation is wholly God's work, it is reasonable to assume that He saves all infants who die before they've reached the state of moral awareness and self-determination
  • God can bring new spiritual life to an infant, even before that infant is born (Luke 1:15, Psalm 22:9-10, Jer 1:5)

[23:05] More Scripture That Affirms the Salvation of Babies Who Die in Infancy

  • We stand guilty as sinners before God based on original or inherited sin, but we also stand guilty before God because of the sins we personally commit
  • In his grief over the death of his infant son, David expressed confidence that he would be with his son in the presence of God forever (2 Samuel 12:23)

 [25:18] Final Thoughts

  • A summary of today’s podcast
  • Closing with a story from Evangelist Dwight L. Moody
  • Connect with us!


Key Quotes

“He has done it all. Christ has done it on the cross. And that includes infants. If they're not at a point in life where they can make morally aware decisions, most evangelical theologians certainly would say that, because of that, and because of God's love and grace, He saves them at their death.” - Pastor Jeff Cranston

Resources Mentioned

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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it but applying it. Thanks for listening!