Kitchen Table Theology

081 Bonus Episode: Doctrine of Scripture Quiz

Pastor Jeff Cranston Episode 81

“The teaching of the Bible is consistent, self-consistent, because it all comes from the unchanging God who cannot lie. So no passage of Scripture ever contradicts another passage of Scripture.” - Pastor Jeff Cranston 

Hello Kitchen Table Theology Family!  In this episode, Pastor Jeff and Jen Denton are doing something different, they’re taking a quiz! Specifically, Pastor Jeff will be quizzing Jen.    


[00:01] Introduction to This Episode

  • Take the quiz with Jen and stay till the end for a possible prize! 

 [04:47] Let The Test Begin!

  • True or False: It is appropriate to say that God is the author of the Bible
    • A: True
  • True or False: Because God is the author of the Bible, it is not appropriate to say that the books in the Bible have human authors.
    • A: False (2 Peter 1:21)
  • True or False: Inspiration means that God dictated the words of the Bible to human beings who then wrote them down
    • A: False
  • True or False: The inspiration of Scripture was the particular work of God the Father
    • A: False (2 Peter 1:21)
  • True or False: The words of Jesus, carry more authority than the other words of Scripture
    • A: False
  • True or False: The word used to describe the complete list of all the books that belong in the Bible is the word covenant
    • A: False
  • True or False: There are 64 books in the canon of Scripture
    • A: False
  • How many books are there in the Old or New Testament? 
    • A: In the OT there are 39 books and in the NT there are 27
  • Everything God requires of us as Christians is included in Scripture, either explicitly, or by implication
    • A: True 
  • Every passage in scripture is easy to understand perfectly
    • A: False
  • Scripture is the one and only means God uses to communicate truth about Himself
    • A: False 
  • One passage of scripture will never actually contradict another 
    • A: True 
  •  It is possible that God will speak again, and add new books to the Bible
    • A: False 


 [33:27] Final Thoughts

  • Final words 
  • Connect with us! 


Key Quotes

“Since all of scripture is God-breathed and it's all God's speaking, all of Scripture then has ultimate authority.” - Pastor Jeff Cranston


Resources Mentioned


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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it but applying it. Thanks for listening!