Kitchen Table Theology
Where Coffee, Conversation, and Theology Meet. During my 40 years in ministry, I’ve developed an increasing burden for what I sense to be an increase in biblical illiteracy, not only among those in our churches, but also in the young men and women entering the ministry. Conversely, I am hopeful, because I also sense a hunger from people to learn and know biblical truth and the things of God has revealed to us in Scripture. Our Kitchen Table Theology team has developed a list of over 150 doctrinal topics which I, along with one of my cohosts, Jen Denton or Tiffany Coker, examine weekly. Our goal is to educate and share biblical truth on the same level as if we were sitting at your kitchen table with a Bible and a pot of southern pecan coffee in front of us. Welcome to the table!
Kitchen Table Theology
177 Bible Overview: 1 Chronicles
“The volumes of Chronicles describe Israel's history in a way that's distinct from that of some of the other history books. Just as the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John each give a unique viewpoint on the life of Jesus, the history books of the Old Testament bring unique viewpoints in.” – Pastor Jeff Cranston
In today’s episode Pastor Jeff and Tiffany dive into 1 Chronicles, its authorship, setting, theological lessons, and how it offers a distinctive perspective on Israel's history. Pastor Jeff and Tiffany discuss why this book, with its extensive genealogies and unique insights, is essential to the Old Testament and how it holds profound relevance for us today, encouraging steadfastness, gratitude, and trust in God's providential care.
[00:01 - 10:17] An Introduction to 1 Chronicles
- Who Authored 1 Chronicles? This author, who is commonly referred to as the Chronicler, remains unidentified. We can speculate it is Ezra, but that is not confirmed.
- 1 Chronicles parallels parts of 2 Samuel and First Kings, focusing on David's reign.
- This book was probably written between 450 and 425 BC, during the time of Ezra or Nehemiah.
- Written while Jews were dispersed throughout Persia
- Some fragments of Chronicles were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, indicating its ancient origins.
[11:19 - 18:45] Why is 1 Chronicles Important?
- The genealogies in 1 Chronicles are crucial for affirming Israel's lineage, maintaining the integrity of the priesthood, and ensuring the continuation of God's people.
- 1 Chronicles offers a unique priestly perspective on Israel's history, focusing on worship, law adherence, and events significant to the priesthood.
- 1 Chronicles aims to prepare the returning Jews for Christ the Messiah.
[19:07 - 21:57] Theological Themes in 1 Chronicles
- Recognize and celebrate God's sovereignty and majesty!
- David’s Prayer in 1 Chronicles 29 expresses gratitude for the promises God made to him and his descendants, and David’s desire for future generations to remain steadfast in their devotion to God.
“The goal of narrating Israel's history from a priestly and kingly perspective was ultimately to get the people ready and in the mindset for a coming Messiah.” – Pastor Jeff Cranston
Resources Mentioned
- My Christmas Book by F.W. Boreham
- Eugene H. Merrill, "1 Chronicles," in The Bible Knowledge Commentary: Old Testament, ed. John F. Walvoord and Roy B. Zuck (Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books, 1985), 589
- Larry Richards, The Bible Reader's Companion (Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books, 1991), electronic ed., accessed through Libronix Digital Library System
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Remember, the real power of theology is not only knowing it but applying it. Thanks for listening!