First Generations Podcast

Ep. 055 - The New Age of Male Decline and Female Assertion: What's Happening to Us: (Ft. Regg Miller)

Aaron Season 1 Episode 55

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Regg Miller is an entrepreneur who wants to help men and woman be united instead of divided. He is the author of the book “What’s Happening To Us?” and he offers his inside view on equal rights, sexism, and living in this new age of male decline and female assertion. He was born in 1950 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and moved to Toronto and took on modeling and commercial acting for over 20 years. In his 40s, he went on to become a successful international marketing consultant in North America, South America, and Europe. Throughout the years, opportunities and experiences put him into contact with thousands of men and women who experienced the turmoil and sexual freedom of the 60s, the rapid explosion of female rights and technology in the 70s, and the frenetic hunt for material wealth in the 80s. It is through these decades and people that he acquired his knowledge and current point of view. I am honored to present you our guest for today, Regg Miller.

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