Outrageous Love the Podcast: Our Journeys to Responsiveness

Pablo Mejia's Journey To Responsiveness, Dr. Hollie's Annual Personal Episode, Season 3 Premier.

Dr, Hollie Season 3 Episode 1

In the opening episode of season 3, meet a student, Pablo Mejia, from Dr. Hollie's very first class in 1992. Pablo is now an up and coming building leader in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), but 30 years ago he was one of Dr. Hollie's 9th graders at Charles Drew Junior High School. Pablo describes "Hollie," as the students used to call him, in his first year and what his best memories are of him as English/Language Arts teacher. Then, we hear about Pablo's incredible journey as he successfully  matriculated through a system that statistically had told him that he was not supposed to succeed as a Latinx student. Like so many of Hollie's former and current students, Pablo defied the odds and is now paying it forward as an culturally and linguistically responsive educator. Dr. Hollie provides an opening commentary on his perspective after 30 years in education. Listen in for his three take-aways. This personal episode is your once a year opportunity to learn a little about Dr. Hollie's personal side.

Learn more about CLR and Dr. Hollie at www.culturallyresponsive.org and Twitter @validateaffirm