Outrageous Love the Podcast: Our Journeys to Responsiveness

Dr. Judy Baseman's Journey To Responsiveness, Episode 8, Special Series, Superintendents Who Love Outrageously, Part 4 of 4

Dr, Hollie Season 1 Episode 8

In the final edition of the special series, Superintendents Who Love Outrageously, Dr. Hollie culminates the focus on leadership with an outstanding superintendent, Dr.  Judy Baseman of Appleton Schools in Wisconsin. Dr. Baseman shares her journey to responsiveness from music teacher with indigenous students in Montana and with urban students in Chicago to principal and assistant superintendent in Appleton and now  the current superintendent. Judy makes key connections between the importance of effective leadership and being "responsive." She also opens the window into a look at Hmong culture, which is one of the underserved student populations not discussed nearly enough. As always, hear Dr. Hollie's two cents (commentary) on additional attributes of culturally and linguistically responsive leaders as this special series on leadership comes to a close. 

Find out the significance of the Hmong Story Cloth for Dr. Baseman

Learn more about CLR and Dr. Hollie at www.culturallyresponsive.org and Twitter @validateaffirm