Outrageous Love the Podcast: Our Journeys to Responsiveness

Dr. Meg Schnoor's Journey To Responsiveness, Season 2, Episode 3, The Unsung Heroes Series, Part 2 of 4

June 15, 2021 Dr, Hollie Season 2 Episode 3

The focus on the unsung heroes - assistant superintendents, chief academic officers, and directors - continues with Dr. Meg Schnoor, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning in Palatine Schools (Chicago area). Meg's insights and sharp perspective about how to lead from behind is worthwhile. Rarely do we hear from the mortar of the brick so to speak. More interestingly is Dr. Schnoor's journey to responsiveness which takes us from her experience as a teacher in alternative education to a rise up the ranks to assistant superintendent.  In between is a delve into Meg's consciousness about her cultural intersections of class, ethnicity, and gender (with a splash of religion). As always, Dr. Hollie provides his two cents in this episode. This time he goes a bit off topic (or maybe not) with his spin on how to disconnect from work, which is a concession on his part, and why it is a challenge for him to disconnect. 

Learn more about CLR and Dr. Hollie at www.culturallyresponsive.org and Twitter @validateaffirm