Everything is Okay! - A MySafe:LA Podcast

S1,#1: Don't Fall for Fake News!

Cara Meyers, Jessica Svendsgaard, Allyn Pintal Season 1 Episode 1


Welcome to "Everything is Okay." This new podcast from MySafe:LA will help guide you through important issues related to safety, disasters, and preparedness, with a bit of humor - no wait - with a lot of humor thrown in to make these topics a bit easier to deal with. Especially as we deal with bizarre times, it's important that we not get too down in the mud, unless you're into that sort of thing. So, sit back, relax, and listen to our three terrific hosts, Jessica Svendsgaard, Cara Meyers, and Allyn Pintal explain that EVERYTHiNG IS OKAY!

This episode will delve into the world of fake news... how to spot it, avoid it, and learn what news is real, or as close to real as possible. Our hosts also share a bit about their week's activities (all three are members of MySafe:LA and are actively engaged in our public safety endeavors).

MySafe:LA is a non-profit 501c3 public charity that specializes in fire and life safety. We teach students about home fire safety, older adults about staying safe and how to manage a disaster, high school students how to perform CPR, and all of the above to the general public. We also develop training materials for firefighters and first responders.

MySafe:LA takes no funding from a fire department's general fund. We survive on grants and gifts. If you enjoyed listing to this episode of Everything is Okay, please consider a gift. Every dollar helps us. To learn more about supporting us, visit our donation page.



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