Everything is Okay! - A MySafe:LA Podcast

S1; #4: How to Avoid Dying in a House Fire - Smoke Alarms and You.

Cara Meyers, Jessica Svendsgaard, Allyn Pintal Season 1 Episode 4

Why are people dying in house fires? Is it because they fall asleep while smoking? Do they catch fire while cooking? Or, is it about having working smoke alarms? Come on... tell the truth - have you disconnected your smoke alarms? Do they bug you with false alarms? Learn how that's no longer an issue and why smoke alarms can save your life! Our three slightly crazy hosts, Cara, Allyn, and Jessica talk smoke and why fire burns but smoke kills and if you pay attention, EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY.

MySafe:LA is a non-profit 501c3 public charity that specializes in fire and life safety. We teach students about home fire safety, older adults about staying safe and how to manage a disaster, high school students how to perform CPR, and all of the above to the general public. We also develop training materials for firefighters and first responders.

MySafe:LA takes no funding from a fire department's general fund. We survive on grants and gifts. If you enjoyed listing to this episode of Everything is Okay, please consider a gift. Every dollar helps us. To learn more about supporting us, visit our donation page.