Nobody Knows Your Story

Choosing to Heal. Lark Dean Galley Tells Her Story.

Larry Camp Season 1 Episode 28

In today’s Nobody Knows Your Story episode you’ll be hearing the life story of Lark Dean Galley. She recounts her early life which involved moving many times, living in difficult circumstances and how these experiences drove her to want a life of structure and order.

 Lark has had her share of struggles. On March 21, 2019, Lark experienced a devastating loss—the unexpected suicide of her 19-year-old son. Having already endured her father’s suicide five years earlier, this second death hit especially hard.

Like many, Lark has had to learn to cope with loss and we’ll talk about her book, Learning to Breathe Again: Choosing to Heal After Losing a Loved One to Suicide. Life’s experiences have led her to look at things differently. She’s more reflective and less aggressive and when it comes to situations that once required promptness and deadlines, she’s adopted a believe that “things will all work out”.