Nobody Knows Your Story

No More Faking It. Jennifer Nielson Tells Her Story.

Larry Camp Season 2 Episode 5

Jennifer Nielson said the following:

Addressing difficulties is never as difficult as ignoring them.  We are programmed to avoid pain and to put on a happy face. 

This simply doesn’t work. 

It will catch up with you.  I was a pro at faking it. When I look at old pictures of me I can see the pain behind the smile. 

I wanted more. 

I wanted to find congruency with my inner and outer self.

I didn’t want to fake it anymore. 

I couldn’t fake it anymore. 

I was dying inside. 

What did I do? I stopped pretending, dealt with the difficulties from my past, did my work and didn’t give up.

I chose productive discomfort over the discomfort and turmoil I had lived with most of my life. 

It was the best, hardest thing I’ve ever done. 

No more faking it.

I invite you to listen as Jennifer tells her story of  dealing with the drama and trauma of her youth and how as she said, she stopped pretending, dealt with her past difficulties, and chose productive discomfort. Now she assists others better deal with their past difficulties as an Emotional Resilience Coach.