Leave Your Mark

How Community and Team Shape You with Anthony Slater

Scott Livingston Season 3 Episode 162

The EP features Anthony Slater.  Until recently Anthony was serving as the Senior Vice President at EXOS, one of the world’s leading-edge human performance organizations. The story of Anthony’s rise from Queen University graduate to EXOS Strength and Conditioning Intern, to employee number 10 then growing as the company grew, to be a Vice President developing new lines of business generating millions of dollars of annual net revenue is most certainly worthy of exploration on Leave Your Mark. I’ve known Anthony for the better part of 20 years now and witnessed from afar his amazing transitions. What has always struck me about him is his character, integrity, and humility. He always wanted to do great work, but he was also very loyal and focused on doing right by those who had done right by him. And this is a more powerful reason to have him on the show today. His eclectic travels across the globe have taken him from Kingston, Ontario, to Phoenix and LA, then on to Switzerland and Nairobi, Kenya where he lives now with his wife and three children as they explore new opportunities and new adventures. 

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