Armchair Historians

Episode 27: Trails to the Unknown and Ghost Stories

Anne Marie Cannon / Alan Megargle / Jesse Morgan / Anna Meyer-Evans

Today I talk to the makers of the soon-to-be-released Amazon series, Trails to the Unknown which follows three paranormal investigators as they explore mysterious locations in hopes of uncovering clues to some of today’s most interesting myths & legends.

In part four of our Halloween 2020 series we hear from not one, not two but three different guests involved in the making of Trails to the Unknown.

Filmmaker, Alan Megargle known for his work in the documentaries, The Back 80, Ghosts in Ghost Towns: Haunting the Wild West and Minerva Monster. Alan the “true believer” of this trio of investigators.

Jesse Morgan, who also worked on The Back 80 and Minerva Monster is known as the skeptic of to the Trails to the Unknown crew

And Anna Meyer-Evans Director of Ghosts in Ghost Towns: Haunting the Wild West and children’s fantasy author is  considered the “sensitive” of the group.

Not only do Alan, Jesse and Anna share their adventures in making Trails to the Unknown, they also share some of their scariest ghost stories.

Trails to the Unknown Youtube

Trails to the Unknown on Social Media:


Places mentioned in this episode:
Squire Castle
Moonville Tunnel

Helltown, Ohio
What Really Happened in Helltown, Ohio

The Mysterious Legends Surrounding Helltown, Ohio
Hotel de Paris Museum
UFO Watch Tower
Glen Isle Resort
Mansfield Penitentiary

Neil Zurker's One Tank Trip
Ghosts in Ghost Towns
Minerva Monster
Back 80

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Anne Marie Cannon:

Hello, my name is Anne Marie Cannon, and I'm the host of armchair historians. What's your favorite history? each interview on this podcast begins with this one question. Our guests come from all walks of life, YouTube celebrities, historians, to my next door neighbor. There are people who love history and get really excited about a particular time place per person from our distant or not so distant past. The jumping off point is a place where they became curious, then entered the rabbit hole into discovery, armchair historians is a Belgian rabbit production. Stay up to date with us through Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Wherever you listen to your podcast that is where you'll find us. I'm chair historians is an independent, commercial free podcast. If you'd like to support the show and keep it ad free, you can buy us a cup of coffee through coffee, or you can become a patron through Patreon links to both in the Episode Notes. And on that note, I'd like to give a big shout out to our new patrons Paul boat and Matthew Robo. Today I talked to the makers of the soon to be released Amazon series trails to the unknown, which follows three paranormal investigators as they explore mysterious locations in hopes of uncovering clues to some of today's most interesting myths and legends. In part four of our Halloween 2020 series we hear from not one, not two, but three different guests involved in the making of trails to the unknown. filmmaker Alan McCargo known for his work in the documentaries the back at ghosts in ghost towns haunting the Wild West, and Minerva monsters, Alan is known as a true believer of this trio of investigators. filmmaker Jesse Morgan, who also worked on the back at and Minerva monster is known as the skeptic of the trails to the unknown crew. And Anna Meyer Evans, Director of ghosts and ghost towns haunting the Wild West. And children's fantasy author is considered the sensitive of the group

Alan Megargle:

on camera when I'm getting paid.

Anne Marie Cannon:

So I was just thinking that this would be a great opportunity to talk about the show. And what I'd like to know is if you had any scary stories that you'd like to share, why don't you tell the audience about your show, the name of it, and what it's about and when it's coming out and where we can watch it? Sure, thank you. So we have a new paranormal reality series coming out called trails for the unknown, it's going to be on Amazon Prime for this year. And basically, it follows me my best friend Jessie, and my wife, Anna, as we all go on these road trip adventures, to explore creepy locations and look into ghosts and Bigfoot and aliens. And our show is really unique, because we don't have any kind of crew is just the three of us, Anna does the primary filming. And we just kind of lock ourselves in or put ourselves in this situation, sometimes with guests like Anne Marie, sometimes by ourselves and just let things happen. So it's a genuine reality show where we don't fake things. And we actually react to things that actually happened. So when you've been working on this for like, the past year, I'd say maybe a little bit longer. Well, we actually filmed the first episode in Ohio at the end of 2017. Oh, wow, that wow. And and, and I moved to Colorado, and then you know, we got married. And then I sold a couple houses and bought a house here. And then Jesse moved out here. So it's been really tricky to try to finish those. But finally, we filmed the last episode earlier part of this year, and we've been hunkered down putting it all together and putting the final touches on it. So it's finally able to come out. I foresee Season Two coming out next year. So we hope to get that out quick. I'm so excited. And we don't have anything film for season two yet. So everything is open. We're open to suggestions. I mean, we have a kind of a wish list, but nothing's been then locked in yet. So it's all kind of exciting and new to do season two. So I'll probably come up with some Jeff suggestions. You should Yeah, we have two in our brains that are not quite in the works. But we've dangled some, you know, carrots, and they're both here in Colorado, and they're they're going to be huge for us. Oh, wow. Okay, cool. So we're telling me some of the places that you visited. So our first episode takes place in a location in Ohio. That's called Hill town. And it's kind of the remnants of an old town where all these legends came out of there's rumors of like government testing and all kinds of strange things and the whole area was purchased as part of the Cuyahoga national Valley Park, and all those houses were torn down and people

Alan Megargle:

Forest out and everything. And it was always these legends around why. So we we went out there to see if we could figure out what was happening. People say that serial killers bury bodies out there. And there's giant Python and just all these crazy stories. So it's kind of the first place We inspired our show. So like we have to go. So is that in Cuyahoga County? It is, yeah, it's in a little town called Boston Township. And then for our second episode, Emery took us to the Hamill house. And we had a lot of really every episode. No, it was very fun. Yeah, there was. You know, I remember that. I remember there were a lot of things that happened. And I'm curious to see the episode to see how you interpreted it. And if there was any footage that if you picked up any sound, or if you figured out, we thought we were being contacted by SOS from the other world? Yeah, yeah, we'll have to see what we figured out. And I will tell you, some we didn't figure out was going to be exciting, because that's one of the things we want to do for our audiences. This is what we found, believe what we say or come with your own theories. And let us know, it's a group effort. We none of us really know what we're doing. We're all just kind of winging it. So I noticed in the trailer, you were like, introduced in the credits. And Jesse was introduced as the skeptic. Yes. So it seems like you all are coming from maybe different places, and you all have different perceptions of what happens. Yeah, yeah. So I'm kind of a true believer, I've had probably some of the most experiences and I buy into and I use a lot of high tech gadgets to figure out things are happening. And it gets me excited and Jesse's kind of the one that's paying, I don't know about that. Let's look into that. And he kind of challenges us to, to look further and not just take things as they are. And then Anna's sensitive and she she can kind of pick up on things that we don't normally pick up on. And that's why it works really well. She kind of manages things from behind the camera, but she always knows where to take us and where to point the camera because she has kind of this intuition about these things that really serves us. Well. Cool. Yeah. Cool. And then let's see our third episode, we go to the UFO Watchtower, which is up way high up in the mountains and in the Rocky Mountains out here. And we have some interesting experiences. I'm not sure everything that we found was alien related. But we found some evidence of some interesting things. Oh, and then we have a really fascinating episode we did on Bigfoot. It's actually part of a two year investigation that we did. And it brings in several different people. And it's on some private property that Anna's dad owns. So we have kind of exclusive rights to do our thing out there. So it's an ongoing investigation. We'll probably be featured in season two, but a lot of interesting things happen there. And then we end up the season at Glendale resort, which is in Bailey, Colorado, and it's a you know, I think what 1890 something lodge that's full of activity and completely untapped. Like, they've never had any paranormal people in there before. And we were the first and they said, The door's unlocked, let yourself in and lock it up behind you. And we had the run of the place for the night just the three of us. So it was it was pretty intense. Wow, how lot so you were there all night? Yeah, we stayed overnight there and we had to leave or were you like awake the whole time? A little bit a little bit. But you know, around three in the morning, maybe a little before and certainly after. It was probably the craziest investigation I've ever been on as far as the amount of things that happened. So it's kind of our grand finale because it just it was an explosion of evidence. We probably cut a third of it because it just wasn't enough time to show. I know you got to cut your darlings right. Well, but you know, we got we got enough. You know, you get the point. We got enough really good stuff on there. So yeah, well, that could also be like bonus. Yeah, yeah. 10 years, we can probably do a good whole episode on all the outtakes things that went wrong. Well, I'm really excited about it. Oh, somebody else just signed in. Maybe that's arrived. Wow. Look at that. Okay. I didn't know if he was gonna show up or not. I didn't either. Hi, are you there? Is this thing on? Yellow? Hi. Hey, Barry.

Anne Marie Cannon:

Hi. Oh, yeah, Ellen just gave us a lowdown about the show and about what it's about. Once you give your take of the show, Jesse, how you differ from me. We go out with plastic toys and soft keys.

Jesse Morgan:

No. So I think between us, we wanted to try and just come at this whole concept of, you know, paranormal stuff or cryptozoology. However, you want to frame that, just from a little bit, a different perspective and just try and incorporate some little bits and pieces of other things that we really liked to do just within that. And without, you know, outside that we just hashed out a bunch of ideas and kind of came with this idea of, you know, people love to take road trips, whether they're short or long. And we just kind of got the ball rolling from there. So it's kind of this cool idea of you hop in your car, and you take a road trip to someplace you've never been to before. And it has all these cool backstories behind it, trying to just kind of wrap that all up into one big ball of fun. So, and you might actually remember this, but back in Ohio, we had member Neil's workers, one tank trips. So remember that. So for me, that was something that always kind of stuck in my mind of like, he would always go on, you know, these worlds, they just have so much, it's so much fun, he would take these road trips out to these cool places and, and just have this great time. And so that was kind of like, Oh, I kind of viewed it from that angle. And this is just honest, this isn't trying to put anything in a certain light for a specific reason. But I've probably been especially with Alan eye, because we've known each other forever. We've always been into this stuff. We used to land the roof of his house when we were kids and look for alien spaceships flying across the sky. And yet, well, yeah, actually, there wasn't that I'm still super. But um, but no. But no, you know, there was at least one time that I remember that sticks out both our minds that we saw something do like a zigzag pattern across the sky. You know that that was I don't know, jeez, 30 plus years ago now, but so we've always had an interest in this stuff. Just the dark reaches the creepy little dark corners and places to go. So and we've had other things in the past we've done and it's just kind of evolved in with Anna rolled into it. It just kind of just melted all together into this cool thing. And I'm probably well not probably I am the most skeptical of the group. I mean, that's truth. That's I don't know why that is necessarily I I think I go by that great American known as what was his name? Oh, yeah, Fox molder. You know, I want to believe I really do. But for me, I just I need more tangible evidence and whether that's spirits ghosts, Bigfoot. Locksmith, whatever you want it wherever you want to go with that. I guess I'm still waiting for the it just slapped me in the face moment. For me. For the no prob. Well, no, like I said, 30 years ago, I'm sorry.

Anne Marie Cannon:

I couldn't keep my mouth shut on that one. Sorry.

Jesse Morgan:

No, I'm glad you fit in with us perfectly then. Um, I think for me, I bring a you know, a little bit different perspective. And, and we've got such a good relationship within us. And outside of that we're very comfortable questioning each other on stuff or having a discussion at the least to talk about something we found and we'll, we'll work through a progression of questions back and forth. And, and what's really cool is sometimes we get to a point where we're both like, man, I don't know that was pretty interesting. And you know, and, and, but that's the fun part of it. I personally love exploring these places that have these stories behind them, because there's always there's usually, there's usually some kind of real history behind it. You know, you know, this place used to be

Anne Marie Cannon:

a history podcast, so I was gonna ask you guys is to share an experience that was particularly maybe scary and unexplainable. And, you know, a little bit of history of whatever the background of your story is, would help to just,

Jesse Morgan:

yeah, well, listen, you asked a question. I just, I just kind of went into a brief meditative state and let my mind relax. But no, really the first thing that came to mind this was many years ago, and honestly now I forget a few of the details Allen will remember this of course, but and you probably may be aware this Squires castle near Cleveland All right, great, great actual incredible real history behind it. The whole story behind it is very interesting. However, there were all these rumors about that being haunted and other whether there's there's theories and legends about it was his wife or soon to be wife allegedly died there. And there's a few stories behind it, but we were doing a school project.

Anne Marie Cannon:

Where is Squires castle?

Jesse Morgan:

That is east of Cleveland? Was that near Concord? Ellen?

Anne Marie Cannon:

Yeah, like Kirtland and Concord area. So people have a frame of reference.

Jesse Morgan:

Okay, sure. Um, it's actually I believe it's technically located in Cuyahoga County. No edges on that somewhere in Kirtland or Concord or right near there. We were investigating this where it was like our first kind of dive into anything remotely, paranormal, really like, so we go there. And we're just videotaping. And you know, just checking it out. So we go home, and back to his apartment, and we start playing this videotape. And there is audio. I mean, I get chills thinking about it. Like all these you say, audio of what sounded like a woman screaming Help me Help me right into the mic of the camera. I mean, it was not fuzzy. It was not a distant voice. It was like, me, me. And I mean, there were some kids playing outside, but it was this sounded like, I'm right here. You know, it was. And to this day, I mean, I got nothing on that. It was one of the creepiest, craziest things. And it fit right in with the stories because the two that I've heard are one, she accidentally fell down the some stairs and got caught and wrapped up in something that fell down and she broke her neck or die to that, or she committed suicide by hanging herself with curtains. And we were over in a corner near a window when we got that. And we didn't know we had it. We didn't hear anything when we were there. So to this day, I got absolutely I have no idea. It's probably one of the coolest pieces of I'll say evidence in the sense of if you call it paranormal investigating, but just the possibility of there being something else beyond or a different dimension, or whatever. That's for me is so one of the craziest. I just get to this point where I can't even say anything, because I just don't know, it's hard. I can't even barely process it years later. So

Anne Marie Cannon:

right. So that was our very first ever paranormal investigation. Like we had never even tried to do anything like that before. And the first time out, like we get the best thing we've ever had.

Jesse Morgan:

And because it was our first time we've since lost that recording.

Anne Marie Cannon:

Oh, that was my question. I was gonna ask you if you had the recording. It was on like a tape on my dad's video camera like some high personal. That's great. That's a great story. And coming from you, Jesse, that is pretty compelling. Because you are the skeptic in the group?

Jesse Morgan:

No, I that's definitely a piece of definitely a piece of something that we recorded that I'm still baffled with. I have no rational or logical explanation, at least to this date I can come up with. I don't know,

Anne Marie Cannon:

do you know any more about the history of school? I know I've seen it like I, I can picture it in my head?

Jesse Morgan:

Well, a little bit. I know that that what we call Squires castle today was originally built as what was going to be like a, like a gate house kind of thing. What I remember from the little bit I know is that that was going to not be where they were going to live full time. It was temporary, and they were actually going to be building their actual house or whatever they were going to live in. He was always going hunting. And that's also kind of falls in line with the story of why she was allegedly upset. But there are I know that the more details are accessible online. I've looked it up before it's been some time. But um, but yeah, I think after the either wife or his fiance, whatever she wants him have passed away that I think he they stopped building and I don't know if it was financial issues also, but I know they never actually completed building everything. Interesting. It's interesting now like, because I go to Well, what what why was she saying Help me Help me.

Anne Marie Cannon:

If she killed herself shoe if that was her. If she killed herself, she wouldn't be saying help me. Unless you had doubts. Right. You know, like change your mind when it's too late. Oh, that's a very good point. I mean,

Jesse Morgan:

yeah, I think there's an if you will. There's what people refer to as a real story behind it. I don't remember that. I don't think it's quite as interesting. But it's still Yeah, we But to this day, like I was saying we're, I vaguely recall sitting in his apartment when we heard that we were like, wait a minute, but Get up. What was it?


Man? You were hot?

Jesse Morgan:

Oh, it was on from there. It was on.

Anne Marie Cannon:

That is a that's an amazing story. If compelling evidence. Did he take your story, Alan? No. I mean, I have enough to go around. Yeah, at this point, I bet you do it. Was there anything else you had to say about the show? Or that scary experience? Yes.

Jesse Morgan:

Not that particular experience, I just think, for us the shows is just it gives us an opportunity to go out and explore these things, which we just like to do anyways. But and then kind of take advantage of some skill sets that we've developed for our personal or professional lives, and kind of apply those to this and have fun with it. I mean, that's, it's, you know, I think that's one vein that, that runs through this whole series is I was trying to, you know, focus on things we need to focus on, but at the same time, just enjoy what we're doing. And kind of push that vibe, you know, out to our audience.

Anne Marie Cannon:

Right. And I think that's, that's really important. And that's where I'm coming from with the podcast, armchair historians is that I interview people who are passionate about or excited about some person, place time period. in history, you don't have to be a scholar, you can be a scholar, I have talked to some professional story ins, it's really about that energy and drawing people in through that energy. And I think that's, that makes this like worthwhile to me is to, and that's when I watch something or listen to something. I'm drawn in by another person's excitement and passion about that. So if you're having a good time, then I think that will draw people in and well in the whole topic, you know, paranormal experience, Bigfoot, like all those things are big. People are really into it. And it kind of goes back to like, Who are we? Why are we here? Are there others among us? What happens? You know? Yeah, so your show really has it all? Is what I'm trying to get?

Jesse Morgan:

Well, your I hope you like it. I think you will bit. Yeah, definitely touches on. I mean, I think, maybe not intentionally, but I think people will see that it's exact, you know, those bigger picture bigger world questions and beyond questions that people have. And, you know, it's and I think, I don't want to take anything away from Alan, but I will just say one more thing about it. Is he is the authenticity of the show. I mean, we're not. I mean, look, if we go out there to someplace, and we don't get me anything that constitutes evidence or even, you know, we may place up at, hey, maybe this is something but we're not out there like going, Oh, yeah. Well, and that's not what we do. It's not even who we are, you know, and that's, again, it's, I think, the kind of what we touched on the whether it's a passion or just the positive vibes, the energy that come through, but also the authenticity, I think, is

Anne Marie Cannon:

something we're happy about. Well, I wanted to add on that vein was, you know, the big part of our passion is like sharing this with people and letting people have their own experience. So like, Jesse and I have done a lot of Bigfoot stuff, where we've led hikes of up to like 500 people where we've taken them out into the woods, we, we do a Bigfoot adventure weekends every year where we take a smaller group of people and we camp out in Bigfoot country, and let them have their own experience. And we used to back in Ohio, we used to run where we would rent these, these haunted places out for the night. And then people could pay a small fee to help us cover our costs. And we would take you know, 1020 people also, we really have this passion for not just doing it, but bringing it to the people. And then this this show was kind of what it's about, like, we want people to feel like, you know, you're there with us. So it's a way for us to reach more people and to bring our passion to the masses. Because doing this, you know, 20 hundred 500 people at a time is this is good and fun and it's personal, but trying to reach more people is really fulfilling too.

Jesse Morgan:

And I guess I hadn't thought about tying in some of the Bigfoot stuff but even when we started doing those little paranormal groups and stuff like that, where we It was so cool. You know, we go in and we get everything set up and reserve the location and talk to we needed to talk to and all that fun stuff. It's like, people just that's all they needed to just like we had people it was same with the bigfoots. But also with those paranormal groups that we would go out with and people were coming that had never gone to anything like that before, like, never been

Anne Marie Cannon:

so special about being with someone the first time they have some sort of experience like to have facilitated that and be there with them. It's it's just, it's so rewarding, because they're they're so excited. And they just want to tell everybody is it they feel what I feel and that's, that makes me excited. Yeah. Alan, do you have a particular story that you'd like to share with? my listeners? Sure. Yeah. I think I'll, I'll take us back again, Jesse to the early years. This was probably one of our second or third investigations. We went to the Mansfield reformatory in Maine. So like, smack dab in the middle of Ohio. It's where they filmed the Shawshank Redemption. It's the Shawshank prison. And they have, it's a public ghost on and I think they was like 75 people that sign up at this place is massive. And you show up at like eight o'clock, and they have an hour to or they take you on and then turn off all the lights, and they kick you out at five in the morning. Other than that, you're on your own, and you can do whatever you want. And you just literally you're exploring this, I don't know what the square footage is. But there's two massive wings like four storeys tall. And then there's a huge, you know, like castle like building in the middle that has, you know, the wardens corners, and there's a chapel and a mess hall and here's a



Anne Marie Cannon:

Yeah, there's a solitary confinement, I mean, you just, you can just roam around wherever you want with a flashlight in the middle of the night. So we were with a small group, and there's like four of us. And you know, a lot lots of things that happened there. We've been there a couple times and had several different experiences. But the best one is probably the top one for me that I've ever had. There's an area I think it's on the second or third level of one of the cell blocks. And there's like a little like corridor pretty narrow enough you can walk down there in between. So the cellblock here, the cellblock here is like just a little corridor where they can do maintenance on like the plumbing and stuff, it's just a little walkway. So they have a roped off, so you can't walk down there. But we're standing there at the end of it. And I have a really high powered flashlight. So I kick the flashlight on. And all the way at the other end. There's this black mist, kind of hovering in the air. And it has the lights on it, I'm looking at it, it kind of rotates around and there's two alomost Click eyes, like two orbs in the middle of it. And I'm just kind of blinking like, what am I even looking at? And then it just kind of turns back around. So I can't see the orbs, and I watch it just disappear into the wall. So you saw this with your eyes. It wasn't something you caught on camera. You know, this was with my my bare eyes. I do have a video. I had like a little camera like a GoPro thing on my shoulder. But it's okay. It wasn't zoomed in it. I mean, it's there. And I've enhanced it. And it's confirmed for me what I saw. But it's not going to convince anybody because it's really it's really grainy when you zoom in. But you know, I you know? Yeah, so So I started thinking like, well, well, maybe it's open on the other end. And there was another, you know, group of people that walked by or some someone ran all the way down the other end, I get down there. And there's a giant steel door welded shut. I was like, wow, there's no one getting in or out of there. So I don't know what else at that point. So you're just by yourself. And you saw that? No, there was a group of four of us and two of us saw it. Oh, two of you saw it. Oh, and I don't know what it was. But you know, I've seen missed a few other times. And it was never quite like that. That was like a dark mist. It was it was chilling whatever was

Jesse Morgan:

interesting. I can I can add to that I was there I was actually behind him. And not even looking that way. However, someone else that was there that was basically standing next to Elon. They also saw it. And I believe Allah told me if correct me if I'm wrong, but like almost the same time like they were both there isn't like what is that?

Anne Marie Cannon:

Am I right? Or? Well, I didn't say anything at first, cuz you know, I normally don't wait for someone else to react before I confirm. And yeah, the the person next to me was like, What is that? And I was like, I don't know. So that they they actually saw at the same time that I did, and we confirmed what we saw. So it wasn't just what you saw. It was a chilling experience. Like I was you're in this prison and you're like kind of locked in and it's in the middle of the night. I don't even know what time it was midnight or later. And you know, you're half asleep and you're just like, trying to stay awake and you're excited and you're scared and then all of a sudden you see something like that and it's like, you kind of want to leave, but at the same time you want to see more two, it's just that you're conflicted. Do you know? Yeah, that is creepy. Yeah. I can tell you a real scary one. If you want to know One. Oh, I love when I did my tours my ghost tours. That's what I would say I love to hear ghost stories. I like to be entertained. So go ahead, tell me another one. So there's a place in southern Ohio that I took Anna to and it's called monville tunnel. Okay, and it's basically it's a it's a rail tunnel out in the middle of this kind of Park out in the middle of the woods. Everything else. Let me just stop you for a second because when you say I took Anna there was boonville tunnel. It almost sounds romantic. Oh, no. It's just a giant, you know, stone concrete structure just in the middle of the woods. It's all the railroad tracks are gone. Now. It's just a kind of a trail to it. We show up there. I don't know 11 o'clock at night. And you kind of pull on this little dirt road off off the main road and into this dark little parking lot in the woods are dark and there's just this trail that goes into the darkness that you can't see where it goes and like Oh, boy, you know so we start down the trails not very far a half a mile me but enough that you know you're in the woods. And then we start to you know, with our flashlights, you start to see something large and you start walking up on and you get there. It's just this, you know, big archway opening of this giant concrete structure. And it's all it's old. And just, it looks like a portal to hell, it just looks absolutely terrifying. And you're out there in the middle of the woods at night by yourself. And you know, you just hear noises everywhere because there's critters and everything else. You just you know, looking all around in the tunnel is pitch black inside, you can't see anything. So we start inside with the flashlights and there's just this crazy graffiti all over it. You know, it just looks like somewhere you shouldn't be to go to it doesn't go anywhere. It's just a tunnel. In the middle of the woods. It's the weirdest creepiest thing of how deep is a tunnel?



Anne Marie Cannon:

maybe a football field? Oh, my goodness. Okay. Yeah, you went into the tunnel. But when you go through what when you're going in one side, you can't really see out the other. But when you get to the middle, you can start to see the other side. Yeah, it says there is an opening on each side of it. Yeah, yeah. This all you know, it's all gravel and dirt. And so we, we walk in there. And you know, all we're thinking in our mind is like a group, a cult group could be here, and they could see a lot both ends and travel. So you know, it's like that kind of place where you feel like you're in a ritual place or something. So we, um, we kind of took a deep breath, and we got out some rare paranormal equipment. And we had the we had the rempah, we had just gotten and we hadn't had a very long, and it's like an EMF detector, that it's kind of like a little pop a little antenna and just kind of set it down. It'll interact if there's any kind of electromagnetic interference. So I start asking questions, you know, are there any any spirits here? If there are any female spirits come for the male spirits come forward, and all of a sudden it starts to beep. And we're just, yeah, yeah, we're just kind of looking to like, Okay, so, you know, we start to probe a little bit more, and it's, it's kind of beep in and we're looking around, like, you know, there's no kind of reason for any kind of electrical magnetic interference in the middle, this abandoned cement tunnel in the middle of woods. So it's, it seemed pretty legit. And, you know, we just kind of asked more and more questions and it just seemed like it got darker and darker and we got more scared and more scared. And then we started hearing noises and eventually, we after I don't know we probably braved it for about a half an hour. And then we decided to pack up and get out of there and that that walk back in the pitch black towards the car was just terrifying. We get back to the car. And another car was there. And it's all dark inside that car and we're just like, there's someone else out here like you know, we're not alone anymore what's going on and and then like, the car opened in these kind of these kids Gothic looking kids got out and they're kind of ins up like let's let's get the heck out. But it was a it was probably the most terrifying experience just because you're you feel real vulnerable in this trapped in this tunnel. Yeah, you're in the middle of it. Were you in the middle of it about Yeah, we were right. Like we tried to get right in the middle and then you know, we're hearing these things and the meters going off and it just it just was all we could do to not run so what kind of dark questions were you asking? Are that darker? Yeah. Yeah, well, the some of the rumors and stories and legends I guess Are you know that the train engineers had died in their people building it or something like some railroad people that died in there. So we were asking if they were railroad workers or conductors and we were getting various responses. We, you know, as good paranormal investigators we have video this entire sequence that at some point will release our, our plan is to turn the camera on as soon as we parked the car. And I didn't turn it off until I got back in the car. Cool. At some point I want to release, it's probably about a half an hour, 40 minutes of just the whole thing. unedited? Do you have a website? How do we how do people find, you know,

Jesse Morgan:

no one finds no one

Anne Marie Cannon:

we find you don't call we'll call you?

Jesse Morgan:

Well, the for it trails to the unknown doesn't have a website right now. And you know, we're busy. You know, that may be an option. But right now you can find us on all the relevant social media channels, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and YouTube, I'll put all the links in my episode notes.

Anne Marie Cannon:

And by the way, we've had them for about a year, we did quite a few videos on YouTube in 2018. And then we kind of, you know, we're busy trying to get situated out here. But we have new content that'll be going up on YouTube to kind of coincide with our release of our series and, and has actually been working on some of that today. So definitely check out YouTube, we're going to have some really cool stuff coming up there. And and I did an investigation and it was a daytime investigation. But we visited Alcatraz and an investigation out there and that'll become an approval. Don't miss that. That's really cool. That was kind of one of my top bucket list items. And so I'm like a kid in a candy store there.

Jesse Morgan:

The YouTube channel is cool. We have these things called shortcuts, which are basically little, you know, short mini stories, there's a lot more, I guess you'd call it personal, or just more in depth content beyond just the main episodes on the YouTube channel as well. And some behind the scenes stuff as well. Instagram will have some videos on there. Sometimes they're just a little few minute videos of our of our little trip. So you know, to the location or something like

Anne Marie Cannon:

that as well. I'll tell you what, Emory, I'd love to get back into the hotel to Paris sometime to Well, I do have connections. I know. That's a little trickier, though. But that that was a really cool investigation. We did that night too. Yeah. But I think we had a little bit too many people and we couldn't quite get it fully go on. I think there's more to be explored there. Yeah, I think you're probably right. Oh, I do have a video from there that one of the tour guides, Irene. She had her cell phone and she says sensitive like you're talking about Anna. And she felt that there was a presence upstairs on the second floor, which we were you were up on the second floor where the rooms are upstairs. Okay, I'm just going to stop here for a minute because I have a little correction corner about this next part of the interview three things, the entity actually identifies himself as Joe, not john. And when I say we think he's related to him, the him I'm referring to his original proprietor of Hotel de Paris, Louis depuy. And three, I read actually says, Is there anybody here? Not? Is there anybody and she went up there, I'll send it to you. I haven't shown you



Anne Marie Cannon:

this, this is very compelling, because you'd have to meet Irene to really understand why it's so compelling because she's so you know, unassuming and humble. And you wouldn't think that you would be like, talking to ghosts, when upstairs in the second floor. And it's actually a video from a smartphone. And she says, she whispers she says, Is anybody. And so you hear a man's voice. It starts out as your you think it might be her, and you hear like a man's voice and he's kind of mumbling and he's not making any sense. And then it's almost as if he realizes that he's being heard. And he, you hear him say, i'm john, I used to work here. Oh, wow. Oh, and, and Kevin. Kevin actually did research because he didn't know about any John's. Kevin cuchara, who is the executive director of the museum, Hotel de Paris is a museum now for our listeners. frame of reference anyways. Oh, and I did interview Kevin in the first three episodes, but I digress. But he did research and what he found out is that there was a man named john, who is actually probably related to him. He was I believe a Frenchman. He came over from France, and he would work for the hotel. When I think it was when Sophie because Sophie galley ended up inheriting the hotel from from Louis depuis when Louis depuis died in the untimely death of pneumonia. And this guy actually took over the hotel While Sophie was sick, there was a guy named john. He was in her well. So well, if there is that that's who it was. I don't know. But the footage is very compelling. I'll send it to you guys. Okay, share it with you. Yeah. So stuff does go on in there. We didn't have a lot of activity. You're probably right, because there was so many people there. But yeah, yeah.

Jesse Morgan:

Can I can I say something that might be a little bit off tangent, but maybe, you know, you can't go off tangent. It's not acceptable. To call, please leave a message. I'm just

Anne Marie Cannon:

kidding. I'm kidding. You know, I'm kidding. No, yeah. And



Jesse Morgan:

it's just a thought I want to share and feel free of course, to use it not use. I don't I don't mind. But I'm just thinking about, you know, listen to Alan and listen to what you just shared and stuff. It even it's like, whether it's Bigfoot or this stuff. It sometimes it just seems like, you know, in all the years, Alan, I've been doing this, it's like, sometimes it feels or it seems like, you're just right on the edge of finding some kind of definitive or even really solid piece of evidence, you know, Bigfoot ghosts, they whatever. And it just makes me think about that path. And those, and the years we've been doing this, it's like, we've been out in the woods. And we've heard stuff we couldn't see, like, walking near us. You know, and it's like, it's so you know, we have, and we have this stuff, or Allen's actually had steps coming right towards him in the woods. As a thermal camera, we have night vision, can't see anything. And, you know, we've heard stuff, like, if you will pacing us walking along was on an offense deer, or is it Bigfoot? I don't know. But, you know, and then you think about, you know, we do get these incredibly intriguing pieces of, or these recordings, audio recordings typically. And they're, for me, they're very intriguing, but it's always just feels so much like, being led right to the cusp of something, and then not being able to completely see through the whatever's beyond that. It's just sometimes it's so frustrating for me, you know, okay, yes, totally agree. But that's what drives me, I think, if I had definitive proof, who kind of almost be over in a way, it's that unknown that really drives me to want to keep looking, you know, it's, you know, when you hear about people that have said they've had, you know, a Bigfoot sighting, and something we've always talked about is something called Bigfoot fever. So whether they saw Bigfoot or not, is really becomes a moot point, it becomes more about them chasing this thing, or this idea of something they saw. And we've witnessed a progress firsthand. And it's kind of crazy to see but, you know, it's perpetually chasing the unknown. And it's kind of fun. And it's kind of cool.

Anne Marie Cannon:

Yeah, yeah, I could totally see that. I'm skeptical. But at the same time, I've had experiences. So I sort of believe that type of things. I'm not as skeptical probably as you are just although you have had experiences, you know, as you just said, I have these two people came on a ghost tour of mine, a couple years ago. And it was a mother and a daughter. And apparently, the daughter was having these experiences where she was very sensitive. So her mother decided that she was sensitive, and that instead of her being afraid of it, she wanted to try to normalize it. Because she, you know, obviously felt that she had some kind of ability to interact with the other side. And of course, they say, children tend to be closer to it. The girl said that her breaking point was, there was something that was in her closet. That's in her closet, and I can't remember the whole story. But what she said and what was important to me to hear at that moment, was that what she did, she was so scared. And then finally she was angry. And she said, What do you want? And then they were gone. And her takeaway from that was, they just want they want to be seen when they want to be seen. I don't know if that's true. That was a theory that was presented to me by somebody who believed they were sensitive. And I thought that was really interesting, because what you just explained, explained about being on the precipice but never really going over to the other side. That reminded me of that. I you know, I don't know I'm, I'm comfortable with being in the unknown. I'm comfortable with that.

Jesse Morgan:

I'd like to go there. So I'm trying to figure out the path to get there. I mean, there's people that say, you know, if you don't think Leave, you'll never see or hear you'll never see anything. Or if you don't believe they'll they quote unquote, will know. And they'll never show themselves to you and I, which I have a hard I don't I don't like that theory to be flat out honest I don't buy it. I don't think there's a if they exist, they're not that concerned about what I may or may not or I don't even know how that's a whole different level of it takes it to a whole nother level of way these things can now read my mind. Okay, hold on a minute now let's bring it back.

Anne Marie Cannon:

I don't know. Yeah. But it's, it's, it's fun and exciting to think about. Hmm, yeah. Well, this is kind of like the gateway to the afterlife. You know, that's the million dollar question we all want to know. And that's, that's kind of like all this points to you know, is, is there something beyond this world? And what is it? How do we fit in there? Do we fit in there?

Jesse Morgan:

Can someone take the ultimate road trip and return is the question.

Anne Marie Cannon:

Done. Okay, so Was there anything else that you wanted to talk about that we didn't talk about? I don't know. Are you happy with what you got? Yeah, I'm happy with what I got. If Anna wants to tell me a story. I mean, if she's available now, or we could do it another time? And go check. Okay, why don't you do that?

Anna Meyer Evans:


Anne Marie Cannon:

sir. So how are you? It's so good to see you.

Anna Meyer Evans:

I'm good. How are you doing? It's good to see you too. I'm doing good. I'm

Anne Marie Cannon:

doing good. So we just kind of went over the series we talked about Alan and Jess told us what it's about. Jess also told us a scary story. Alan told us to so if you could maybe tell us a story of something that doesn't have to be from the series it can be. But if you have a story that was particularly stood out to you, that was potentially spooky. So this is the Halloween episode.

Anna Meyer Evans:

Um, okay, so I have one that took place in Allen and dice house, which was very scary. This is probably my scariest story in the house. Now. Yeah. house we live in now. Now, I don't think anything here was originally from the house. I think we had been kind of stirring stuff up in a way like Alan has this like, Big Foot drum that people say the person that sold it to him said that there was a Bigfoot hair in it. So he was like beating the drum and like, doing all kinds of stuff in here. So I think it whatever it was, if it was actually something came because of us.

Anne Marie Cannon:

So what are the words? You brought it to the house? Potentially with the drum?

Jesse Morgan:

Yes. I hear Allah whispering.

Anne Marie Cannon:

He's talking about you again. Yes.

Anna Meyer Evans:

Okay, so what happened was, I was home alone, I was in the bedroom sitting on the bed, like typing on my laptop. And my cats were sleeping next to me on the bed. And as I'm kind of typing away, like, in, like, I'm not really paying attention to what's around me. Um, but I kind of hear something, but I'm not really like focused on it. But all of a sudden, both of my cats wake up and stare directly down the hall. At which point I'm like, you know what's going on. So as I'm listening, it sounds like someone is walking around downstairs. It sounds like there's footsteps. And my cats are staring down the hall. And I didn't move or anything all of a sudden, because I'm trying to figure out what's happening. All of a sudden, they both bolt and run under the bed, which is unusual. So they ran

Anne Marie Cannon:

under the bed. So they were scared.

Anna Meyer Evans:

Yes, I probably wouldn't have had such a strong reaction if it hadn't have been for the cat's reaction first, because that was very odd. They definitely thought that something was down there. So at this point in my deals was in the house. No one else was in the house. It was just me. So this point in my head I'm like, in this few seconds that this is happening and like did Alan come home like, but it just didn't feel right to me because he was supposed to be at work. I didn't hear a door open or the garage open or anything. So I grabbed my phone and I ran into the bathroom because I thought that maybe someone had broken in. Ah, like I just remember like, my heart was Being so fast at adrenaline going, and something just fell off about it. So I called Alan before I called the 911. I asked him, you know, are you here like, downstairs? And he was like, no. So I was like, can you come home cuz it sounded like someone was down there. So I'm like, I'm a full on waiting for him to come and I'm listening and I don't hear anything else. Eventually, he shows up. He walks all around. He checks everywhere. There's no signs of break in no signs of anyone being there. It if at that point, I was like, okay, like, I felt reassured that no one had broken in. But then I was like, What did I hear? Because all the windows were closed. You know, I've heard people like working on stuff outside. I know what that sounds like. You know?

Anne Marie Cannon:

Yes. The cats reaction is the part that really, yeah, you know, the hair stand up on my arms when you're telling that story? Yeah, okay.

Anna Meyer Evans:

Yeah, the cats reaction and then it really truly sounded like someone was walking around downstairs on hardwood floor sounded like footsteps, like heavy footsteps. It was kind of like they're like shuffling around. So

Anne Marie Cannon:

Wow, that is spooky. So have you had any experiences after that? Did you do anything to purify the house? Did you get rid of that damn drum?

Anna Meyer Evans:

We still have the drum. Allen's gonna show you.

Anne Marie Cannon:

That's the drum. If you bang down the drum lately.

Anna Meyer Evans:

Ah. Well, shortly I think after that happened, I was away one night now and came down in a bunch of the cabinets in the kitchen were open. Which is I mean, the castle open the cabinets. But I think of this one is that they don't usually open and like it would be difficult for them to open. So that was very strange. That's only happened once everyone you were Oh, yeah, a couple. It was like maybe like one or two nights after I had that experience of someone of hearing someone downstairs. I was on my laptop again on the bed except it was nighttime. And I thought Alan had walked in. Like I out of the corner of my eye. I saw like a figure that was like Alan walked in. I didn't really look up because I was like, this was Alan coming over. But then I didn't hear anything. I looked up and nothing was there. And I was like Alan and he was like, yeah, and he was downstairs. So I don't know. Good. I was pretty sure that someone had walked in because I I was sure I saw something.

Anne Marie Cannon:

He's good. These are good stories. I'm like at the edge of my seat. I'm downstairs and in. You know, you've been in here it's dark. Oh, yeah. Oh, yes. I'm kind of like,


window, but we do. Yeah. Oh, my gosh,

Anne Marie Cannon:

experiences in here. Not in the soil yet in the store. I have to but anyway,

Jesse Morgan:

but just to add to about their cats. Now granted, they know me from being over there. But like when I've gone over there when Ellen and Anna have been out on a trip or whatever, the the cats make sure they're doing good. And and when I come in, they typically they're either maybe one of them is sitting at the top of their staircase. They'll be looking, or they'll just come down out of curiosity just to see who it is or whatever. But that's what makes that so interesting is that her cats, which normally would be like oh, you know, was mildly skittish, but the other one is definitely like, Hey, what's this? What's this over here? And it says it just like?


Well, I was gonna ask, really,

Jesse Morgan:

there. That's what makes us so interesting that she was just to reinforce her cats behaving that way. Because, you know, they don't normally do that.

Anna Meyer Evans:

Yeah, yeah. Maybe if I had like, move suddenly to like, Listen, I would have caused them to bolt. But I was totally still and they just ran under the bed. So I was like, Oh,

Anne Marie Cannon:

so so Alan, is Alan there. And you can tell me about what that phone call was like, What went through your head and everything I was at work about was five to seven minutes away, depending on if you hit all the traffic lights or not. And I get the call on and I was like, where are you? I'm at work because like you're not here. Know what's going on? Someone's downstairs. Can you come home? So I'm like, yep. And I didn't even talk to anybody at work. I just ran out the door. I didn't even tell anybody I was leaving. And I just stayed on the phone with Anna the whole drive home and of course I hit every light and like telling her where I'm at and like, I'm getting closer, I'm getting closer, just hold on, and I come pull him around the corner, you can kind of see our house before you, you know, like you kind of pull them what's going through your head, like what's going through your head. I'm thinking I'm going to get home and the front door totally wide open. That's what I'm thinking like that based on how you act like if you had to take on a drone was through the roof. I was ready to attack somebody. So I come flying in the driveway, and so romantic and arose in my mouth.

Jesse Morgan:

But he didn't tell you that he was eating the rows.

Anne Marie Cannon:

So hungry. It was lunchtime. No, I got to find the driveway in the front, the front of the house looks fine. So I get out. And I go up to the door and it's locked. You know, I try it. And um, so I opened the door real quiet. And I kind of you know, I'm still on the phone with animals. I'm coming in the house now. So I'm gonna get off the phone lie. Check that out. So I just start going through everything. I mean, I went, I checked all the windows, all the doors, I went to the crawlspace I went through every closet. I went outside, I checked the fence gates to the yard, I checked all the sheds to make sure they were close. I went through the entire place and not one hand was up. One hand without one here. It was perfectly normal as this Yeah, yeah. And now Anna, is that we'll talk about her like she's not here. Isn't? She's not like that she's not insecure, she doesn't. It's not something she would do. So you definitely took it seriously. I mean, ever since I've been together, we do all this crazy ghost stuff. And we've been in basements and attics of places that normal people just wouldn't go into our tunnels that go to nowhere, dark tunnels and just, you know, all kinds of crazy places. So it's it's the middle of the day and we're in a we're in a you know, fairly nice peaceful neighborhood. It's not like we have a lot of crime here or anything. It's just, it was highly unusual. Yeah, yeah. And it's Saturday. We've been spending a lot of our time specially on this year, in the latter part of last year trying to kind of tap into this a little more. So we been having things escalate in it's terrifying, but at the same time was kind of what we're trying to do in a way because we, we want we want to have these experiences and and know more about it like the Curiosity is really I had enough probably cut this out is you shouldn't shit shit where you eat. Like, well, I did just play the drum. things up happened here ever since I brought the drum home for sure. Like that was one of the trigger points to when things started to happen. So tell me about the drum. What is the purpose? I was in Oregon as an Oregon. Okay. And we were filming for one of the movies that I did. And we were interviewing a guy who is kind of a Bigfoot investigator. And he has taken on the lead role of checking out this property where all this weird stuff happens. Well, they found some big footprints in some like what they think are knee prints were knelt down, and they pulled some hair out of there. And they had that hair analyzed not DNA, but with some microscopic lab analyzes the hair. And the only sample they had in their vast library of hair samples that are even remotely closely matched to was what was presented to them as a hair from a baby Bigfoot from Seattle area. So that was the only hair that it matched. So they believe it's an authentic hair. So what what happens is this, this guy's girlfriend, he she makes these Native American style drums. Uh huh. So when they were making this particular drum, they took one of the hairs and used it in the solution that they soak the drum in. So it has potentially Bigfoot DNA in the drum. And then he painted to kind of his little big, big four lug around there. And they told me that if this works, it could potentially open up a line of communication with with those kinds of entities. So I thought I gotta have that. Because, you know, I'm here, what are the chances? So, yeah, when we do our investigating now, I usually beat on the drum before we end before and after we do an investigation just to try to see if we can make connection somehow. Plus the vibration. There's something with the vibration and yeah, there's a lot of you know, people that have done things with Native American instruments and had experiences spiritual experiences, paranormal experiences. So it was kind of Like a two fold thing going on there, and I think it I think it does work sometimes. And I've definitely used it where it hasn't that particular night, um, when everything kind of started happening here I was messing around with I think Jessie might even been over here. And I just started rapping on the drum. I was like playing rap songs or something. I was really horsing around with it in a way I've never had before. Yeah, and then the next day is call me in a panic for summons


something. Well, thanks for Yeah, thanks

Jesse Morgan:

for definitely thinking of us. This is awesome. It was really cool. But I couldn't make it I finally was off work, you know.

Anne Marie Cannon:

Alright guys, have a good night. And I'll let you know when this is going to drop and I'm really looking forward to your show.

Jesse Morgan:

Awesome. Thank you much. Take

Anne Marie Cannon:

care. Thanks. Yeah, you too. Bye bye, Anna. Kitty. So there you have it. Alan, Jesse and Ana trails to the unknown. For more information, be sure to check out our episode notes. Thanks for tuning in. Have a great week.

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